Premium Member
This is my public service announcement for the year.
Information distilled from Randy's thread in Reef Discussion:
If you are using this popular $45 refractometer:
You MUST make sure it's calibrated against a known reference at the salinity you intend to be measuring with it. Refractometers calibrated to 0 using RO/DI water (as stated in the instructions) may have SIGNIFICANT ERRORS when measuring at normal saltwater levels. Randy's thread has a link to an article that gives DIY instructions for a 35ppt reference fluid, or you can order 35ppt Pinpoint salinity calibration fluid from several vendors. These match NSW, and can be used to accurately calibrate your refractometer for use in measuring salinity in your tank.
I just used Randy's DIY fluid to test my own refractometer. It read HIGH by .003. :eek1: :eek2: :eek1:
Also, note that one of these refractometers properly calibrated at nsw levels (1.026) will be inaccurate when measuring hyposalinity levels (1.009).
Information distilled from Randy's thread in Reef Discussion:
If you are using this popular $45 refractometer:
You MUST make sure it's calibrated against a known reference at the salinity you intend to be measuring with it. Refractometers calibrated to 0 using RO/DI water (as stated in the instructions) may have SIGNIFICANT ERRORS when measuring at normal saltwater levels. Randy's thread has a link to an article that gives DIY instructions for a 35ppt reference fluid, or you can order 35ppt Pinpoint salinity calibration fluid from several vendors. These match NSW, and can be used to accurately calibrate your refractometer for use in measuring salinity in your tank.
I just used Randy's DIY fluid to test my own refractometer. It read HIGH by .003. :eek1: :eek2: :eek1:
Also, note that one of these refractometers properly calibrated at nsw levels (1.026) will be inaccurate when measuring hyposalinity levels (1.009).