Chemipure blue. Do I need a media reactor?


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Hi :)

I was just wondering if anyone knows where to put the chemi pure blue? From what I gather it's basically everything you need (GFO, Carbon etc) all in one nylon bag.

I was in the process of getting a media reactor (aqua top mr-30) when I saw this and I read up on it and I see people are putting it in their filter socks. Does this defeat the purpose of a media reactor or should I buy my media reactor and empty the contents into there or just put the entire bag in the media reactor....

Does the media reactor really make a difference?

Side question: Would one 11oz bag (says it treats 200 litres) be enough for a 260g tank volume and just change when needed or should I get multiple bags and put them in the reactor (if I need one)
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Chemipure in a filter sock will work but it's a lot less efficient than having a media reactor. More expensive as well. Chemipure does work extremely well though but if it were me I'd go ahead and get a couple media reactors.
Chemipure in a filter sock will work but it's a lot less efficient than having a media reactor. More expensive as well. Chemipure does work extremely well though but if it were me I'd go ahead and get a couple media reactors.

How would I go about putting it in the reactor? Just stick one or two in there still in its bag?
How would I go about putting it in the reactor? Just stick one or two in there still in its bag?

Don't use chemipure in a reactor. Just buy carbon and gfo for the reactors. The point of chemipure is to run it in situations where you don't have a reactor. Hob filters or in sumps or filter socks or canisters.
Don't use chemipure in a reactor. Just buy carbon and gfo for the reactors. The point of chemipure is to run it in situations where you don't have a reactor. Hob filters or in sumps or filter socks or canisters.

So I guess I don't really see the point/need a reactor then. :dance:
Reactors are useful in that you can get more flow passing through the media, ensuring that more water is treated. If left in a bag water will tend to flow over or around the media rather than through it, and not be as effective.
It will depend on your usage and needs whether or not you set one up.
Well from what I gathered, people just stick it in their sump and it works great.
I was planning on putting it in my filter sock considering the flow is strongest there in the sump. It should work just as well as a media reactor. All the water going into the sump will pass through the bag.
Just position the bag in such a way as to maximize the flow through it and you will be fine. In the sock sounds perfect. When you rinse/swap the sock the media in the bag will get tossed around, exposing new surfaces.
Buddy of mine has a 120 and has been having cyano issues. I asked him if he's running carbon/GFO and he said he doesnt need to, that he runs chemipure.
Long story short:
He's buying a GFO and carbon reactor today because his chemipure cant keep up like a reactor will.
Reactors are cheap and are proven to work a lot better than a media bag in a filter sock. Unless you're running a nano all-in-one media bags are not going to be very effective.
As stated above a reactor will use media more efficiently. Passive media use works just fine too. It depends on how aggressively you want to strip your water. Start with a small amount of carbon or GFO first.