Chiller Questing


New member
So Spring / Summer coming up soon, meaning hot weather. This time I won't go without a chiller.

Have a 115 gallon tank. What hp chiller is recommended for that size?
David, it depends on how hot your room gets that has the tank, and how many lights you have over your tank, but somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 should be fine for your tank. I would over size it a bit so it doesn't run all the time when the room is at its hottest.
I wonder whta if one of the pumpes, let say return pump can you control the water flow? Do I need a sshut off valve? is it gonna be automatic?
115 gallon, 2 x 250 W MH's, 4 maxijets, 2 Mag12 return pumps...

Hrm...last summer, tank once went to 87Ã"šÃ‚°. Turned off the lights and added ice bags to the sump immediately. Nothing died, no ill effects, but this year I wanna play it safe.

The room does have 3 windows that I can readily open to allow air to circulate, but of course during the daytime in Summer, doesn't help much unless at night.

Looks like 1/4 HP seems like it can do the job (hopefully)
I used a 1/4 JBJ on a 110 tall with 2-250 MH and 2 110 VHO. It ran for much longer than I'd like to see each cycle. If I was going to buy for that tank again I'd go with at least a 1/3 and maybe a 1/2. I'm inland and it's hotter but we run our AC a lot now that our kids all moved out. :lol:

my lights turn on at dusk/nighttime and are left off during the day(hottest time). This way, it minimizes the amount of time my chilller has to work
I'm doing the same...lights go on in evening. That way I have something to look at when I come home from work.
dznuts (havent said that since highschool, still cracks me up)

i think you should call deltec and try that ecochiller, it works amazing and the power consuption is nil.
mine has the cooling power of a 1 horse chiller and only uses 44 watts. major overkill but youll never need another and it should pay for itself pretty quickly. jmo