Chiller question ( help )


New member
i have ordered a jbj chiller and it should be here this week , my question is should i just run it in line with my return pump in the sump . so it would go from the mag 5 to the chiller and from the chiller to the return to the tank.. is this the right way . ? thanks for your help..
there will be a great head loss through the cooling coil in the chiller. at the end, you will find that your return will be much slower flow rate. it is good to use another pump just for the chiller and than back to the display tank as a 2nd return.
i have a mag 5 on the return , i have a mag 7 laying around , should i update and use the mag 7 in the sump and run that through the chiller , i think the mag 5 would be fine , i have a great closed loop and two 1100 seio's .. i did not want to have two mag pumps in my sump .. are i correct with my thinking .. thanks for the advice .
My Eheim 1260 does 635 GPH. I see the mag 7 does 700 GPH. If that is truly the case, then yes, I'd replace the mag 5. I think you'll be fine with that setup.
I would suggest you put a "T" on your return line with a ball valve going to the chiller. The extra pump will just add more heat that the chiller would need to remove, however trivial it may be. Besides, you only need a hundred or two gallons per hour going through it anyway.
I plumbed mine through another circuit as mentioned, but dumped it back into the sump so as not to cause a local decrease in temperature in the main tank. Who knows, how that could affect the main display. I like to mix anything down below and keep the top as stable as possible.
do you think a T with a ball valve fitting will work ? that sounds like the best way to go .
question . i already have one T fitting coming off the return going to the fuge , can i have another one coming off of the mag7 going to the chiller?
I dont know the specifics on that chiller, but if there is not enough flow going through the chiller itself you will always have it coming on and off... because what happens is the little box in the chiller is about 1 gallon ususally and the coil rus through that... if the chiller has a temp probe it will most likely be located in that box so the slower the flow the quicker that box chills/heats up and you have the chiller kicking on and off... also expect the chiller to add about 5-6 feet of head to the plumbing so on a mag 5 that would put it at what 100 GPH ? after T-s you might be pushing it with even the mag 7