Chiller setup using P3ex Help


New member

My chiller is here, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to control it with my P3ex. I would like to keep the tank at 79F. I've looked through the manual, and in all candor, it wasn't much help.

Also, I'd like to setup a heater function as well, to keep the temp as stable as possible between 79-80F. Could someone possibly share an example of how they did this?

Very simple to set up.

Decide what plug socket you wish the chiller and heater to use. For this example I shall use socket 1 and 2


socket 1 - heater
socket 2 - chiller

Go to socket function outlet and edit socket 1 to be heater 1, now do the same for socket outlet 2 but edit to cooling

press save

Go to temperature input screen and set your desired controlled temp in this case in nominal value put 79F

You may have to play with colling difference to stop the chiller and heater constantly coming on and off it depends how quick your tank heats back up.
Go to socket function outlet and edit socket 1 to be heater 1, now do the same for socket outlet 2 but edit to cooling

Wouldn't he have to choose Temperature 1 ( for the first temperature probe ) first before he gets the heater and cooling options? If I'm remembering things correctly, you choose the probe first, then the heating/cooling option shows up in a drop down right next to it. At least that's how I remember setting mine up this weekend.
Thanks very much... Here is how I have it setup at the moment. I haven't tested it yet...

Nominal Value: 78.08
Cooling Difference: 1.08
Hysteresis 0.93