Well after spending the night last night looking at DIY threads I think it'd be much easier and not much more expensive to go this route. I'm not an electrician and after buying all the equipment for the DIY the "black box" route seems the easy win. Maybe I'll go DIY eventually just because it'd be a fun project but for now this is it. I hate that I need 4 because that's 4 times the possible trouble. Warranty needed.
Now I wonder if there is a concensus on which are the best boxes...especially for my 31" deep tank. 3w crees that actually run 3 watt maybe? There seems to be about five favs to choose from in this thread. A US dealer with a warranty would be nice.
I like the seller rating of but 120 degree optics for such a deep tank might not be optimal.
Can you guys that have them help me come to a decision so I can just get this done and over with please! haha :headwally:
4 boxes at 165.00 is just about the same as I paid for my 4' T5 fixture. Lighting a 300 gallon with LED for less than 700 seems like it's finally worth it.
I think they make stunner-strips or something like it with reds and actinics if we want to enhance the color later. Heck I have a huge amount of space up there to put strips. Bang for buck these boxes are looking good to me. New kids in the family have a way of changing where your money goes eh. Daddy doesn't get the good stuff anymore.