Christmas Clowns & Corals


Premium Member
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Sorry I've been largely AWOL these past few months but the job hunt and family matters have been my focus.

Around this time of year I have often gotten inquiries from people wanting to buy small schools of clowns to put in their tanks, and usually I have been out of stock. This year is different!!! I have a nice selection of small Darwin Ocellaris (the black and white ones), Onyx Percula and one school of nano-sized snowflakes. Most of the clowns are very small juveniles about .5 -.75 inch, so they are tiny but quite feisty and feeding exclusively on dry food. Prices range from about $25 each downwards depending upon the species and the size of the school. If interested, please shoot me a PM and we can exchange details.

Also, I'd like to offer the following corals which have been in my tank for a very long time (in some cases several years) and I've never had any known instances of red bugs, etc. Unless otherwise noted these would be fresh cuts so you can mount where you like (or I can mount for you). Limited quantity on some items ...

$10 each - Green Seriatopora (mounted), DJ Ton Ton / Cherry Charm Zoas (both IDs were given, so not sure) 5+ polyps mounted

$20 each - Montipora setosa (mother colony pic attached)
Purple Stylophora (multiple branch, 3"+)
Superman montipora
Purple montipora
Chili pepper montipora
Neon Green Slimer (multiple branch, very nice ... mother colony pic atached)

Super nice:
$40 each - Original "Deepwater Japanese" fruit loop zoas mounted ... approx. 5-7 polyps. I can make larger fresh cuts if desired. (mother colony pic attached)
$80 (one only) - ultra Bleeding Apple Aussie scoly. Was stung by a coral that fell on it several months ago; mouth is completely healed and the outer tissue is growing back, but it is not quite yet a fully round circle.

Wild Aussie Tricolor Acropora Valida ... deep vibrant purple with bright neon green polyps. Mother colony has been in my system for 3+ years. All mounted and encrusted on base plug. Small - $40 (approx. 1 inch, multiple branches starting), Med - $60 (multiple branches, 1-2"), and I have 2 small colonies (about 2" x 2" with 8-10 branches) for $100 (pic of a "small colony" attached).

Thanks, and feel to PM with any questions.


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Thanks bud ... lurking a bit but hopefully getting back in the game if things shape up.

Chinchalice, if you can pm me your email, I'll send you a pic. Thanks.
Not in the clutches I have at the moment (there are a couple babies that are close). There is the possibility that I may have a few in the next couple clutches as these parents put down patterns with a lot of white.
Not in the clutches I have at the moment (there are a couple babies that are close). There is the possibility that I may have a few in the next couple clutches as these parents put down patterns with a lot of white.

I have been in search for quite some time, put me on the waiting list, PLEASE!
I believe that Davinci are just a morph of ocellaris clowns where the white connects together like the Picassos (which are percula clowns). Some clown pairs produce a variety of patterns (especially those that already possess varied patterns), so it's kinda like a litter of kittens ... you never know what you might end up with, which makes it fun to raise them.

In my last batch of snowflakes there were a variety of patterns and color distribution, so very possibly these might produce ones that could be called Davinci. I'll keep my eyes open in the next batch and drop you a PM if there are any that look like what you might like.
Thanks guys for all the kind comments! Sorry, but no Nakeds at this time ... just Darwins, Onyx, and Snowflakes. One of my Picasso pairs just started putting down nests, so hopefully will have some of those in the months ahead.

I think I've responded to everyone's PMs, but if not, please let me know.
Ender - I can't say for sure as they are not raised with anemones in the growout tanks. However, if you for sure wanted some, I could try them out in another system that I have with anemones to see which ones go into my RBTAs