Christmas dinner Dec 18 7PM-9PM

Rogger Castells

New member
The club will be holding a Holiday Party in place on the normal December meeting. The Holiday Party will be held on Tuesday, December 18 from 7 to 9 pm at the Davie Women’s Center located next to the Davie Town Hall (6591 Orange Dr., Davie, FL 33314). The holiday party is an informal potluck dinner. We encourage all members to bring their families to this event.

I will be organizing the food like we did last year, please post here or email me what you would like to bring for the potluck dinner,
Any plate you like to share with us will be great, if you rather just buy something already made that will be fine as well. Look forward to to see ya all this year.
I know this is a difficult decision, should I bring Grandma's apple pie recipe or Mom's delicious matzo balls soup?
Anything you want is fine, all we want is to have a good time in your company. Come on don't be shy.
Sounds like fun, count me in. :)

My yellow tang is such a bully that I think my dish will be yellow tang pie... sound good?:p

Really though I will probably bring those little cuban sandwiches from publix, or some cheesecake.

i think we might bring some green chile chicken enchalades. Real hatch green chile from new mexico too! Depends on how much my mom brings when she comes down this week from new mexico.
This is a great event were some of those shadow lurking members can finally open up to the club. ;) :D

I hope to see most of the members I already know and meet some new members also.

Hey Rogger, I'm gonna come down and attend. I'll be bringing 2 Quiches, if that's cool. I made the same recipe a month ago and they got a really good reception, so I'll give them another shot with a few improvements :)
COOL, Ok so far this is how the menu is shaping

Mathew â€"œ Cheesecake
Chef-reef- Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas
Invertigator â€"œ Wife’s famous Potato salad
Jesse - meat balls
Eric â€"œ 2 quiches
Andy â€"œ Stone Crabs

We still need some bread, starch and vegetables
platters of some kind (salad-steam veggies-rice-beans)
The wife and I haven't been much into cooking lately, too busy. Let me know what you need and we'll bring it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11316697#post11316697 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invertigator
I let Mrs Invertigator know...... The usual amount or more?
PM me.

Normal's usually pretty big anyway :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11317118#post11317118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
The wife and I haven't been much into cooking lately, too busy. Let me know what you need and we'll bring it.

Pedro, How about some hoagie bread for Jess Meataaabolas!!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11317774#post11317774 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Pedro, How about some hoagie bread for Jess Meataaabolas!!!!

Sure, no problem. Anything else?
Roger its Chef's girlfriend Tiffany------ I will also make a crock pot of beans to go along with the Enchiladas! And amybe some cookies. i will let you know asap. Things just depend on how paychecks and bills fall!
-this is sean..

Hell while im at it i might as well bring a pot of chili as well. how many people are going to attend so i know how much to make? heh maybe i can get my moms secret recipie for sweet corn bread as well. goes really really good with the chili
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11325032#post11325032 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chef Reef
Roger its Chef's girlfriend Tiffany------ I will also make a crock pot of beans to go along with the Enchiladas! And amybe some cookies. i will let you know asap. Things just depend on how paychecks and bills fall!

Tiffany, that sounds delicious, Now I am really interested in trying these combination, I will put you down for the beans and let me know about the cookies.