Christmas dinner Dec 18 7PM-9PM

Mel, bro :)

I trust Alton Brown's recipes the most, but his recipe for quiche was for quiche crepes.

These recipes are modified versions of the one from Tyler Florence and Paula Deen (she didn't suggest any butter for this one, OMG!)

I kinda cook a bit differently than they suggest in the recipes, but we'll see how they come out. They usually come out pretty well though. I was sad because I left my original recipe that I used up in Tallahassee up there in the recipe drawer. It came out well, so I've got faith in this one as well. See you tonight!1
ok so im about to leave as soon as this last bit of food is ready. here is everything im bringing..

green chili enchalades
meat chili
sweet corn bread
slow cooked beans

maybe something else dunno if im forgetting anything... see you all in a few. ill prolly be a little late..

also is there anyway to heat food up there?
Can't make it

Can't make it

Sorry we can't make it after all, not feeling well. I called Rogger yesterday so somebody could handle the hoagie rolls. 'Sounds like y'all got it under control anyway. Have fun and Happy Holidays. 'Hope to see you soon. :celeb1: :wildone:
you missed a great time. there was over 60 people and there wasn't any food left. I ate like a pig and will probably still be full tomorrow morning.
Sorry you couldn't make it Pedro, like Joe said it was pretty nice, much better than I expected. The food was plentiful and delicious and we all had a great time.