Christmas gift still not picked up....

not ecooper

New member
And my dad is all worried about it. Everytime I talk to him on the phone he freaks out about it (thats 3-4 times a week) and I keep telling him, "Dad, I'll get it, they're only open on Fridays and I haven't had a Friday that wasn't a holiday yet."

So, could someone confirm that Kip Cook's order that was ordered for local pickup by me is still there, not lost, and I will get my regulator.

*sigh* Dads. Gotta love 'em, but man, they sure do worry waaaay too much.
We do have your order. It just needs picked up. We have local walk in hours this Friday from 2-5. Next Friday from 2-5 and also next Saturday 12-3. We could ship the stuff for $6.95 if you wish. It would be 1 day in transit.