Chrysophytes how do I beat them? *Large Images*


New member
SO I'm leaving these pictures large so y'all can get a clear image of whats going on. This current tank has been up for three months. I Only have few zoa frags and clove polyps right now. Also there are only three fish as of now. So about the second month I noticed this white hairy film covering one of my rocks. I shrugged it off as new tank syndrome figuring it would right

itself once the tank became a little more stable. Well fast forward a month and it is covering every rock in my system. The only places it doesn't grow is the glass and where light does not touch. So like shaded area's of the rock are untouched by this stuff.

I'm almost positive its chrysophytes due to the research I've done in the past week, but I have not found a way to beat them. The algae looks ghost white in appearance with very short hairs. Its kind of hard to notice with the naked eye. If you looked at my tank for the first time you most likely wouldn't notice it. Whats making it stick out more now is the spots of
green appearing beneath it. There are no bubbles trapped in it so calothrix was crossed off.

The tank is a 4 foot 120 with 40 gallon sump. I have a fuge with cheato. I also have two reactors, a BRS reactor running carbon, and an Avast Marine running GFO. I have a curve 7 from Bubble Magus for my skimmer. The only thing I'm dosing right now is 1 gallon of Kalk with 5ml of vinegar every day. I also do a 20 gallon change every two weeks.

calcium 450
alk 9
mag 1250
nitrate 0
po4? My salifert test kit expired I have a new one on the way. I hardly have to clean the glass which tells me my GFO is doing its job.

These pictures are extremely zoomed in so it will appear larger than it actually is. Sorry for the huge size.



Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm hoping this will blow over once the tank matures more but its explosion across the tank makes me think otherwise.
I've been battling this white hair fuzz/cotton for months and have read countless threads however there have been no explanations as to what it actually is. These pictures are an exact match to what I have.

Can anyone identify this stuff?
I know this is an old thread, but I have this same stuff too. Exactly the same as the pictures from the OP. Anyone have any idea what this is?!