Clam Dying??


New member
Over the past 2 weeks it seems the condition of my Maxima clam has been degrading. Last week there was this thing behind my clam, it was white and meaty with threads coming off it. All the threads were white except for one side there were some dark green ones. It is now laying on the other side of that tank. I don't know what the (byssal threads?) look like, could this be them? When my Halides are off now a days the clam looks horrible, worse than it use to, it gets all scrunched up and pulls into the shell. When the Halides are on the clam looks better but it still looks as though it is pinching.

As far as conditions in my tank. It is a 55 gallon with a 250 watt Metal Halide and a 40 watt NO Actinic(sp?) light. The 40 watt is on 14 hours a day, and the Halide is on 12 hours a day. The pH of the tank is 8.2 to 8.4, the salinity is 1.025, the calcium is about 420, my alkalinity is about 10, ammonia and nitrite are at zero, and my nitrate is about 5, and far as I can tell my phosphate level is zero.

Although this tank is over two years old, and i've had this clam for 6 months, this is my first clam. And am not all that experienced with them. I was wondering if anyone had any input about my situation, or ever gone through this before?

Yes, that is the byssal thread they use this to attach them self to rock, i call it the foot. Also if the clam loses it most of the times they end up dieing. also how big is it cause if its smaller that 3 inches it requiers lots of feeding.
The clam is between 3 to 3.5 inches.
I sure hope he can make it, but from what i've read im doubtful.

Could this be a sign of stress? Did you recently move/rearrange any rocks in the tank or did you move the rock the clam was attached to? Is anything picking on the clam during the night hours?
It could be a sign of stress, I dont know. I have not recentally moved around any rocks or anything like that. And as far as I can tell there isnt anything picking at the clam. The mantle looks a bit worse than yesterday, more of it is pinched. I just dont know what to do, I dont want to lose him. I have read about people doing freshwater dips, but i've seen a few instances where perple have lost clams after freshwater dips. Any suggestions?

By the way a correction I wasnt thinking straight, i've had him for 10 months not 6. lol

Your clam's symptoms sound similiar to one of my maxima's I lost about a week and a half ago. It was doing great the first 3 weeks I got it then fell apart 2 days later and died.

I'm not sure if a FW will do more good or harm at this point. I would just continue feeding the clam and hope it recovers. Sorry I couldn't be of any more assistance to you.
Well I went ahead and did a 10 minute FW dip before I read Fish-o-holic's post. About 30 minutes afterward the clam was out again, but looked the same. so we'll see. Thanks everyone for all your help!
