Clam getting lodged in rock as it gets bigger


New member
I bought a small maxima ~ 2inches and I put it in a depression on a piece of live rock. Its been growing and I am concerned it will not be able to grow further without becoming distorted. Of course its also well attached

Should I dislodge it or, will it manage on its own?

any advice would be appreciated
I've seen pictures (I think in Sprung's book) of clams in the wild that were completely imbedded in the rock surface with only the top edge of their shell and mantle exposed. Apparantly the constant opening and closing of their shell keeps the rock "ground away" from their shell to keep them from being engulfed.
I've seen pictures (I think in Sprung's book) of clams in the wild that were completely imbedded in the rock surface with only the top edge of their shell and mantle exposed. Apparantly the constant opening and closing of their shell keeps the rock "ground away" from their shell to keep them from being engulfed.
Your clam will be just fine. Don't bother it. Believe it or not clams secrete an enzyme that disolves the rock around it and allows the clam to grow. I would guess that your clam it very happy and you can look forward to him living a happy life in the rock.
Yep just leave him there. I have just come back from a snorkel trip in Fiji and there were heaps of clams with just their mantles poking out above the surrounding rocks. They still opened and closed as though there was no rock around them at all.
