Clam Not Looking Good


New member
Recently, the mantle of my 4 month old T. Maxima (2inch) has been shrivled. I did a water change to ensure that I had no water quality problems. I haven't fed it Roti-Rich for about a month, should I do this again? Is it inadequadte lighting? (65 watt daylight and 65 watt actinc equals 130 watts iver thirty gallons equals 4 watts/gallon.) The clam has never done this before. I am worried - help!

P.S. To make matters more complicated, I am going on vacation this weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) Arg!
Small clams under 3" need to be fed often. I would try to get some Dt's phytoplankton and feed your clam. How big is your tank? Can the clam be removed?

I am not familiar with Roti-Rich, but why have you not fed him lately?

Smaller clams do not generally have the amount of Zooxanthalle algae to manufacture enough energy to keep them alive. So feeding is very important. Did you test your water?, Or just change it. Tell us about your tank, and we will try to help. If you can get some DT's or other LIVE phyto, that would be good for your clam and your entire reef. If you can remove the clam from your tank, do so. Put it into a small clean(never been soapy, or other chemicals in it) container with tank water, and put some live phyto in it. Enough to turn water a light green. You should be able to see the water clearing up as the clam feeds. Clams are filter feeders and when they are small they depend on it, not lighting as much. Larger clams above 3" generally are much easier to care for. Best of luck, Rob