Clam ?s


New member
Ok I would realy like some help. I havea tank that is doing wonderfull and I would like to trim back some of the inhabitants and make room for a clam. I was wondering what is a nice looking calm that doesent require the most lightt(I kno they all require lots though). I am planing on puting him roughly 9 in. from the lights. How many wats pe gallon minimum should I have?
Also I feed phytoplankton, which I grow, at least 2 times a week. Is this enough.

I am verey grateull for any answers.
Watts per gallon isn't a good measurement. I could put a bunch of incandescent lights over my tank and make it 20 watts per gallon. Doesn't mean I can keep a crocea! The key is intensity and PAR.

What size is your tanks and what kind of lights do you have?
Depending on what type of lights you have, and tank size-

A squamosa would be a very nice choice. They are not as light demanding as other clams.

I agree that WPG is really unimportant in general.
My amin tank is roughly 6 gallons.
I curentley have 26 watts of PC. But I am willing to get more.
Also I know that this is a small tank for a clam but I like to push the limits.
I wouldn't do it.

Squamosas and dreasas would grow twice as big as your tank.
Maximas and croceas would perish under your lighting :(

well my parent wont let me get a bigger tank so I was hopping to get a samll tank raised specimen and once it started to get a bit to big for my tank I would go to my lfs and trade it in for a smaller one.
So you think my light might be sutible for Squamosas and dreasas?
Your lighting isn't good enough. Even low light clams need tons more than you have. On top of that, clams need a VERY, stable environment with steady temp, SG, CA, and alk that a 6 gallon won't do. Have you read Knop's book on clams?

What you propose isn't a good idea, sorry It's wrong to keep an such a beautiful animal in inappropriate conditions :(
Thanks for doing what's best for the animal. You will have a bigger tank with adaquate lights soon enough, and you can have all the clams you want. Being patient is hard sometimes, no? :)
I totally agree with peabody,

It really isnt a good idea to get ANY type of clam with that setup. I am also glad that you are going to take the advice and decided against it.:)