clams and snails!!??


New member
there are a bunch of little spiral snails on the bottom of my clam. they are white and small and about 20 of them are they harmfull help???
Come on Jim - we're trying to give you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to commercial posts but you're not making it easy on us. How many reprieves do you expect to get?
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Those are very bad for your clam! They can end up killing your clam/stressing him to death. Take your clam out (at night, after dark) and remove all snails you find. CHeck around the byssal opening and the mantle. Keep on doing this until you find no more. Do a seach on this orum for more information on pyramid snails.
You can give me zero if you want. My effort was to help not to sell advice on the removal of snails. So please let me know what is wrong with helping, because if that is against the rules I just was not aware of that?
Please check all the facts because I think you owe me an apology.
Your post is/was totally uncall for sir!
cweyant - sorry for derailing your thread temporarily. Peabody gave you good advice. These snails are known to be parasitic, and they should be removed. You should inspect all of your clams for these snails and remove them (with tweezers or something similar) on an ongoing basis until they are gone. Some people try to rely on small wrasses to prey upon them, but this has been met with mixed success afaik. HTH
Frisco said:
cweyant - sorry for derailing your thread temporarily. Peabody gave you good advice. These snails are known to be parasitic, and they should be removed. You should inspect all of your clams for these snails and remove them (with tweezers or something similar) on an ongoing basis until they are gone. Some people try to rely on small wrasses to prey upon them, but this has been met with mixed success afaik. HTH