clean up crew

Hi Bill,

We do not offer any "packages", as everyone's tank needs a little something different. What we do in place of this is offer quantity discounts on all of our inverts.

If you want to give me an idea of what you are looking for as far as cleanup goes I'll be more than happy to make a recommendation for you.

I don't know what I need/want so suggest away.
I have a 72 gallon bow front. 80 lbs of LR (from you) I'm planning on FOWLR for now. I have a 30 gal sump with DIY beckett skimmer.
So what do I need to keep things in check? What do most people get?

Also, can I use 2 day shipping for whatever I get?
Hi Bill,

For what you have I would do a mix of the following....

18 - Margarita's (Coralline encrusted)
18 - Cerith Snails (Baha Snails)
18 - Nassarius (If you have a sandbed)
18 - Baha Red Leg Hermits

This is a pretty good mix to start off with. From there you could tailor it to suit your needs a little more by what types of nuisance algaes are most predominant with conchs, sand cucumbers, sally crabs, emerald crabs, Scarlet Hermits, Black and White Hermits, etc.
