Cleaned my Koralias today


Reef Guru
My two Koralia 4's had gone uncleaned for months and months now, they had gotten pretty disgusting. After taking them out and putting them into vinegar, I had not idea how much junk was in They were sponges, vermetid snails, dozens of mini brittle stars, micro algae, macro algae, and probably some other stuff. Smelled like death. They are all pretty and black and clean again now though, running like a charm. :0)
There are times that the build up of calcification is so bad that vinegar just takes too long for me. So I've switched to using hydrochloric acid (aka muriatic acid). It's available at Lowes, usually in the pool section. keep in mind that it is very strong, and very dangerous. the fumes in particular are really harmful, and of course it is very caustic to skin. So I do all the acid cleaning out of doors, and with rubber gloves. And I water it down one part acid to 5 parts water.. and still it's very strong.
But it really gets the job done, and done fast.