cleaner stocking


24g jbj nanocube, maroon clown, bicolor blenny and mixed lps/sps/softies, currently i have a million and a half tiny brittles, a bunch of astreas, 3 nassarius snails, a couple ceriths and a single red legged hermit and another million or so baby snails i'm assuming are ceriths, but they're 1/16" or so, and don't really seem to do much actual cleanup.

I'm having a bit of an algae outbreak. its a coarse green hair like algae that seems to be coming up from the sandbed.

I've also had a few little aiptasia pop up that i've knocked out with aiptasia-x. I'm getting concerned about overstocking, I'd like to add an emerald crab or two, and a peppermint shrimp but i've heard mixed results with peppermint shrimp munching on coral. and honestly i don't really like their appearance.

are there any good recommendations as to what i should stock for cleanup?