cleaning out basement

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New member
I have 8 15 gal tanks 6 20's and 2 30's that are divided.

All have blue sides excep the front and are made by seaclear.

$15.00ea on the 15's and so on
buy with or with out bukheads 5.00 ea

I would consider them in good condition some a almost pefect condition! Good for a frag tank sump or?????
They are standard 15's and 20 highs the 30's are 4'long.
I do plan on going to the swap! I plan on putting more stuff up as time allows!
Here's a couple pics of the 15 gallon that I picked up from Matt. GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN!!!

All tanks are spoken for I am supposed to meet up with most everybody at the swap! If their are any not picked up I will repost.
Keep an eye out for part 2 cleaning out basement!
part 2 will be monster size stuff 9 ft skimmer 6'x24'3' sumps with 120 gal media chambers A dual 3ft media chamber some 8ft divided tanks and misc. maybe a 96"x24"x 20" tank I want to get pics posted with them plus I need to clean everything up first.
Owning a business sucks when it comes to free time! I am going to do this ASAP!
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