Cleaning skimmer ?


New member
What is the best way to clean a skimmer and get all the coraline algae off the skimmer? I have heard of people cleaning pump and such with vinegar and water. What is the mixture ratio? 1 cup of vinegar/gal

I use pure vinegar but a 50/50 mix will work, just more slowly.
You need to let it work though....wait an hour and then wipe down.

I always run mine in bathwater with vinegar. One of those big jugs you get at the market. Just put the pumps in with the vinegar and water and run them for a couple of hours.
I may go ahead and try to take it back to the store. I have only had it a couple of months. I just want to get it really clean before I take it back. I will put it in a 10 gal tub with 5 to 6 cups of vinegar.