New member
lol to most of the replies, just as long as you don't go spray happy but i normally just use RO water, no spots or streaks to worry about.
don't use windex or the like on acrylic tanks at all
I use whatever glass cleaner that happens to be in the house.
Just spray it on a paper towel and wipe.
Been doing it this way for 20+ years.
why not windex on an acrylic tank
thats what i have and i always use just a wet paper towel
im just curious
I once had a person tell me not to use windex to clean the outside of the tank because the ammonia would be absorbed THROUGH the glass. I asked her what she meant and she said that the pores in the glass would allow it to pass through killing everything in it. I then asked her if glass had one way pores or if they were two way like a road. She said two way of course. I then asked her how the water stayed in her tank. All she could say was oh.
yeah i just used windex very carfully and it helped but i just realized its on the inside of the tank hmmmm i can see my fish and everything but theres like marks on the tank, any ideas of how to get thoose out??
I use to work in the auto glass business and what we used to clean the glass was a product called Sprayaway. It sprays on like a foam and doesn't leave streaks or any kind of residue. I use an old tee shirt and spray a little onto that wipe down the tank and dry with another tee shirt...spotless!