cleaning the outside of the tank, windex?

lol to most of the replies, just as long as you don't go spray happy but i normally just use RO water, no spots or streaks to worry about.
why not windex on an acrylic tank
thats what i have and i always use just a wet paper towel
im just curious

From the cleaning instructions for my major-brand acrylic tank:

DO NOT use any product which contains AMMONIA, ALCOHOL, or ABRASIVES, such as Windex, Comet, Ajax,
or other commercial cleaners when cleaning an acrylic aquarium. Use of such cleaners will cause the acrylic to
permanently lose it's clarity. A soft cloth and water, or a polish made specifically for acrylic, should be used for

I use Dr F&S Acrylic Aquarium Wipes.
Re: cleaning the outside of the tank, windex?

I wax my tank with good old turtle wax paste. You would be amazed how well everything just falls off of the glass. I would only use this on a glass tank.
I usually use my T shirt that I am wearing. Salt creep and finger prints come clean in a few circles. I once had a person tell me not to use windex to clean the outside of the tank because the ammonia would be absorbed THROUGH the glass. I asked her what she meant and she said that the pores in the glass would allow it to pass through killing everything in it. I then asked her if glass had one way pores or if they were two way like a road. She said two way of course. I then asked her how the water stayed in her tank. All she could say was oh.
I mostly use a dry soft cloth with nothing on my glass tank. Residue from the tank water when dry tends to smere. A little glass cleaner if that doesn't work.
I once had a person tell me not to use windex to clean the outside of the tank because the ammonia would be absorbed THROUGH the glass. I asked her what she meant and she said that the pores in the glass would allow it to pass through killing everything in it. I then asked her if glass had one way pores or if they were two way like a road. She said two way of course. I then asked her how the water stayed in her tank. All she could say was oh.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
yeah i just used windex very carfully and it helped but i just realized its on the inside of the tank hmmmm i can see my fish and everything but theres like marks on the tank, any ideas of how to get thoose out??

I'm having this same problem. Like drip marks that won't come off unless you buff at them. If I get a drip on the glass it's hard to get off. Don't want to scratch the glass inside or out.
Aside from the windex debate, I avoid using paper towels because over time they can make micro scratches that build up on glass. Same goes for my eyeglasses. Clean cloth or microfiber is much safer.
If you look at a magnified paper towel it is quite rough.
I believe Windex has more than just ammonia in it so I would not spray it around the tank.
But why use it on a reef windex leaves streaks more easily if not wiped down afterward.

I just use vinegar it leaves less streaks and works better on hard water.. Plus a little gets in the tank no problem it just feed bacteria. We use vinegar on everything from stoves to mirrors.
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I have never used windex, vinegar, or RODI. When I get tank water on the outside of the tank, I wipe it up with a clean cotton cloth, and then buff it with a second clean AND dry cotton cloth. Takes a matter of seconds and the tank is spotless. I have found that cleaning up a mess before it dries makes it much easier to clean. :)

Also, having worked with, and cleaned, THOUSANDS of eyeglasses for nearly 20 years, I hesitate to use any cleaners on glass and, as mentioned above, DO NOT use paper of any kind. Paper towels, Kleenex, newspaper, etc, it will all scratch glass and especially acrylic. Nothing more than a clean cotton cloth, preferably microfiber, which I have hundreds of.
I use to work in the auto glass business and what we used to clean the glass was a product called Sprayaway. It sprays on like a foam and doesn't leave streaks or any kind of residue. I use an old tee shirt and spray a little onto that wipe down the tank and dry with another tee shirt...spotless!
I use to work in the auto glass business and what we used to clean the glass was a product called Sprayaway. It sprays on like a foam and doesn't leave streaks or any kind of residue. I use an old tee shirt and spray a little onto that wipe down the tank and dry with another tee shirt...spotless!

Too funny that I was using that this morning but the can won't spray anymore. I got it from a buddy of mine about five years ago.

I definitely need a new Mag Float too as mine has rough edges around the felt padding. Any suggestions for a decent size or Brand?
Lately I've been using a microfiber cloth and the cleaner for my flat screen tv.
Works pretty darn good.
As with all cleaners I've used over the years, I spray it on the cloth/rag first.