cleaning time

After my last fish / RBTA leave tonight, I will now be ready to tear the tank down and begin the cleaning process.

I was going to use vinegar/water to clean/soak parts and pieces, and then put in storage till I'm ready to use them. If I fill a bucket with 50/50 of water/vinegar, how long can this mixture last? I was going to place my powerheads/heaters, and whatever else will fit in the bucket; let them soak for a day or two, then continue with other items. At what point does the mixture become exhausted, or does it? I can guess if the water became very polluted, but from my experience in cleaning powerheads, the water is relatively clean. But I have never placed a lid on the bucket and saved it for another time. Is that do-able?

Filling a bucket and large tote with this solution to use now, and again later would certainly be ideal. No, vinegar isnt expensive, but why buy more if I don't need to :)
A long time..

Use caution when soaking electrical items in vinegar even diluted.. It can soften electrical seals leading to failure..
The epoxy they use to seal everything electrical can become affected by vinegar.
A 10 minute soak is advised to be safe.


And I prefer to let any pump run while in the soak to help dislodge the gunk, followed by a complete disassembly and air dry before putting it all back together for storage.

Impeller magnets can swell if left to long or if the solution is too strong as well.