Cleanup crew in your sps tank?


I has started to get a little hairy in my sps reef (namly since being overfed while I was on vacation). I was wondering what snails or crabs you folks like best for picking at the green stuff.
Rather than trying to hide the prob you need to find the source of the prob.
Most likely phosphates.
I'd do a few water changes. If that does'nt help you can use a phosphate remover. Do you have a clean up crew now?
I like astrea and certh snails, but don't know how they do on hair algae. Some people say hermits are great on algae.

I agree with doody, while your cleaners are eating the algae, some investigation should be done to figure out why you have phospate. Is your skimmer up to par? WC routine?

fighting conch will get it on the sand. Ceriths, strombus grazers, nassarius, turbos (I've never had one shove a coral) scarlet and blue hermits. All safe. Toothbrush is useful for snagging long floating strands. I agree with getting the cause, but I hate looking at it in the meanwhile.
You can only solve so much of the problem but you do need a good cleanup crew which helps. I like astreas/mexican turbos/nassarius/ceriths for snails. I add a ton. I do have a few blue legs but not many.
Ohh, here's the big tip........STOP OVERFEEDING!!!!!!
I understand you were on vacation, but for how long? How'd it get overfed while you were gone?

Most fish are good for short periods of time with no extra feeding as there should be stuff in an already established tank that they can scavange. If it was a friend or loved one then you need a new tank sitter. Try a club member that you trust as they are experianced. If it was from an outomatic feeder, most of them are crap. However there are some good ones out there that let you portion the food how you want.

Also, I agree with Jay24k, there is only so much you can do. However ther's only so much your critters can do. So when all is said and done, you need to rid the tank of as much as "you" can.