cleanup suggestion for 55 gal?


Active member
Im sure I need More I have like 15 snails, 2 hermit crabs, 1 emerald crab.

Im looking into This or is it to much?

5 Cerith
1 Fighting Conch
10 more turbos
5 more astrae
peppermint shrimp 1

Also I have a ? on a anemone what are good ones that Clowns like? I have the one like nemo 3 of them. What kind of light do i need?
Anemone's take a lot of light. In addition they take pristine water conditions and are rather difficult to care for. I recommend only very experienced aquarists take on an anemone. They can also move quite a bit so you need to do the research regarding the other creatures in the tank to make sure they will co-exisit without trouble.

I would be willing to bet that 80% of all anomones that relative newcomers to SW tanks put in there tanks are dead within 12 to 18 months. That is just my guesstimate I have no hard facts to back it up. (other than the threads on this website)

By the way clownfish do not need anemone's to survive. They will get along just fine without one.

Do your research beforehand and please make sure your water parameters are excellent and you have your husbandry routine done to a science. You will maximize your anemone's chance of longterm survival if you do.



You might not need that many turbo snails, I only have 2 in my 55 gallon tank along with 3 sand sifting snails, 1 fighting conch, 3 peppermint shrimp, 5 blue legged hermit crabs, and 5 astrae snails They do just fine...
I think you should do alot more research beforeyou do anything. A nemo fish is also known as a Amphiprion ocellaris or false percula clownfish and if you have 3, one is going to most likley die after 2 pair up.

3 turbos should be enough for your tank. get a nice mix of hermits maybe a total of 30, 15 cerith, no astrae since they die easily, and get some nassarius snails also at least 10. but like golden reef said, if your tank is running for a long time and everyting seems fine, you might not have enough food to sustaine all the new creatures.
My LFS said You need to do odd numbers with clowns, I guess he stirred me wrong.

Well Im thinking of getting a fighting conch, I have alot of algae on my sand bed..

I also have some hair algae on the rocks. Hermits will kill my snails though right? Yeah I had 2 astrae die on me..