closed loop question, Dolphin vs Hammerhead


Dlophin 7500 -vs- Hammerhead 5800 for closed loop?


i have a 500 gallon display that is 8' x 3' x 3'. the tank was never drilled for a closed loop so i have done all the plumbing over the top.

my question is which pump will give me the best results?

i have both pumps currently so cost is not an issue. of course i want to maximize flow and i'd like to increase the pressure coming out of each of the loc-line outlets.

here is a drawing of what i have.

View attachment 500 Display.xls

thanks for looking
thought I would add a jpeg to help those without excel.


For what it is worth I would run both on seperate CLS. One could be on a timer that turns it off every 12 hours if you wanted a period of slower flow.

IMO the advantages of running multiple pumps on seperate cls are that there is a constant redundancy there, if one pump fails the other is already in place.

Also whilst you can run them seperately or both together if you chose to run them seperately when sps grow out and you need to add more flow you can just switch both pumps on 24/7 without the need to add powerheads.

The fact that your tank isnt drilled means that adding another CLS with pipe work up and over would be a simple plumbing exercise.
thanks for adding the jpeg. i wasn't sure how to do that... that is a good idea to just add a second CL...... something to think about.

any thoughts on which pump will produce the most flow?
On a reliability aspect I would recommend the Reeflow pumps. I have used both in the past and both performed well only thing being the Dolphings always needed the water seal bearing replaced regularly. Not a huge deal to replace but rather an inconvience to take the pump offline. Never had an issue with teh Reeflo pumps. Just my $.02.
I have a 480G display thats 4' wide, 8' long and 2' deep. I use a hammerhead for my return and a dart for recirculation. If I were in your shoes, I'd be thinking dart gold. That will give you the best flow for the least power consumption. The hammerhead would be overkill.
my tank is 3' deep. i think need the extra punch and flow because all my plumbing is at the top and i don't get a lot of flow at the bottom of the tank. you have a nice tank and i wish i knew as much about LED's as you..... nice work!!
I have a 500--90''x(46to36)x31'' and use a hammerhead for the mainifold and use a dolphin 4000/3000 for the CL. My CL is also on top in the eurobrace, but only has 4 outlets. The dolphin has to be dialed back a tad for me so I would say use the hammerhead 1st as I'm guessing it would use less power then the dolphin and if you don't like what you see hook up the dolphin.
my experience with both hammerheads, and dolphins has been that the dolphins are a louder running pump...