Closed loop

I thought I would post an update on this... I took the below advise, and wrote pentair an email explaining my situation. I got a reply back from the vice president, with his first sentese reading "send me your address and I will send you a new pump".
You got to love a company that stands bedhind their product like that. So, when I get the new pump, I will start my testing over again to see how it goes. Thanks for all the help and ideas guys.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10892784#post10892784 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Barney121
That's strange, maybe someone can comment on how hot it should get, and maybe Brad has an idea where it came from. But also, I wonder if you can find the mfg and do a warranty swap?
ok new update.

When the VP replied to my email, he also offered a smaller pump if I wanted it. He thought I might need less turnover. I explained to him that I use two maxi-jet mods at around 1200gph and a cap2200 for a return. I explained that I in fact was looking at the 5000 and 6000 models of these quite1one pumps. But I also stated that the 4000 is a good place to start.
Today, I got a reply back from the VP, and he offered a 6000 as a replacement. God, I almost fell over. I replied saying that I would graciously accept the upgrade and that it was way above and beyond what was needed/required. Later I got a confirmation email that a 6000 was being shiped no charge. Unless this pump is a total bust.. I think I will be a quite1one fan for life with this kind of treatment! All is can say is wow.

They are a good company! No product is perfect and they stand behind it.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10930000#post10930000 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Critter
ok new update.

When the VP replied to my email, he also offered a smaller pump if I wanted it. He thought I might need less turnover. I explained to him that I use two maxi-jet mods at around 1200gph and a cap2200 for a return. I explained that I in fact was looking at the 5000 and 6000 models of these quite1one pumps. But I also stated that the 4000 is a good place to start.
Today, I got a reply back from the VP, and he offered a 6000 as a replacement. God, I almost fell over. I replied saying that I would graciously accept the upgrade and that it was way above and beyond what was needed/required. Later I got a confirmation email that a 6000 was being shiped no charge. Unless this pump is a total bust.. I think I will be a quite1one fan for life with this kind of treatment! All is can say is wow.

ok, so after waiting patiently for 2 weeks, I sent an email the the VP letting him know that he might want to contact their shipper for the replacement pump may be lost. He then replies asking for a tracking number to be sent to me, so then I get a reply from a lady saying they are out of stock and it could take 4 to 6 weeks. Jeesh potentially 2 months for a replacement.. damn, I'm glad I didn't actually buy this pump. This thing better be worth the wait for crying out loud. Funny how the manufacturer is out of stock. sigh.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10948248#post10948248 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mal3
They are a good company! No product is perfect and they stand behind it.
critter you have been to my house and seen my closed loops in action.they are almost maintenence free.i run blue line 40 on a squid and with runs cool as a cuke.i believe the pump you are using is not strong enough to do what you are trying to acomplish.try an iwalki or blue line and with your current plumbing they will kick a$$.
Well, Quite1one found a 6000 for me... hooked it up and after an hour it was too hot to hold your hand against. sigh. oh well, it was free. So now on to the next plan and follow Dan's advice. So Dan, give me some idea how your plumbing is run.. I remember the inlets with the penductors, but where was the pump you were using and what kind of plumbing do you have from the pump to the penductors. What is your rise etc? Thanks
here is a good diagram.the pump is mounted near the top of the tank on my big tank,but it does not matter i have learned.there is no verticle head loss so you can mount the pump any where its may not need penductors.i added them when i upgraded to a larger tank.the pump amd closed loop without penductors was on a 125 originally and kicked a$$.when i put it on the 180 it was a little weak so i added penductors and all was good again.its IMO the most maintenence free and trouble free way of moving alot of water without the expense of tunze. i very rarely have to touch the closed loop set up.any other questions,feel free to ask.thanks Dan
I've had two quiteone 4000, both seized after about 6 months. I won't buy anything from them again.. Love the Little Giant on my closed loop! 2 years, and haven't had to do a thing...
Sorry no trying to hijack. Im planing on putting a closed loop on my 90. I'm trying to decide on drilling the tank or not.

What are penductors ??

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11134956#post11134956 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rigleautomotive
here is a good diagram.the pump is mounted near the top of the tank on my big tank,but it does not matter i have learned.there is no verticle head loss so you can mount the pump any where its may not need penductors.i added them when i upgraded to a larger tank.the pump amd closed loop without penductors was on a 125 originally and kicked a$$.when i put it on the 180 it was a little weak so i added penductors and all was good again.its IMO the most maintenence free and trouble free way of moving alot of water without the expense of tunze. i very rarely have to touch the closed loop set up.any other questions,feel free to ask.thanks Dan
jeff you really do not have to drill for the CL.i see no advantage to drilling except the fact that the plumbing is harder to hide with an over the top set up.
I read somewhere in the forums that pulling from a drilled hole in the tank is better because it has + pressure as apposed to pulling up and over. how much that helps, I'm not sure.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11178072#post11178072 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rigleautomotive
jeff you really do not have to drill for the CL.i see no advantage to drilling except the fact that the plumbing is harder to hide with an over the top set up.
While I'm still playing around with my CL design, I am dealing with micro bubbles. I read in the forums that It can be because of cavitation, and that you should have a little distance of straight pipe going into your pump rather then doing a 90 right at the pump. So I did that, but still I had MBs. So I replaced the PVC with clear tubing from the intake from the tank to about 6" of straight pvc at the pump. But still I get a little blast of MBs every 5 minutes of so. I can see in the clear tubing that there are no bubbles being pulled in (or that I can see), and all the pvc is glued, and there are no leaks... so I can't for the life of me figure out where this little blast of micro bubbles is comming from... Could the pump itself be creating cavitation which is causing micro bubbles?
critter,air can be trapped in your plumbing ,or the impellar housing may not have a good seal.sometimes,like in the case if mag drives you have to silicone the impellar housing or they will suck air.what kind of pump did you end up getting.
I didnt know mag drives sucked air... Mine seems ok.. though its on my venturi skimmer so BONUS AIR!!!! ha ha
well I'm still using the quite1one 6000. Found out that it gets hot, but it won't melt down. but anyway, I've been too busy to look for anything else, and it didn't occure to me that the pump could be sucking in air. figures... lol... well I think I'm going to redesign my layout to include my SCWD. Once I get that figured out I will probably loock for one of the pumps you mentioned. Dan, how many inlets did you have on each side of the tank comming from the closed loop?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11181780#post11181780 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rigleautomotive
critter,air can be trapped in your plumbing ,or the impellar housing may not have a good seal.sometimes,like in the case if mag drives you have to silicone the impellar housing or they will suck air.what kind of pump did you end up getting.
one intake,a one inch pipe with a strainer on it and 4 outlets.if you use a smaller pump 2 outlets may be better.if you want to stop over and take another look at my closed loop,let me know.