Clown Fish Eggs!!!!!


New member I bought Mary's 12g tank a while back. I set it up in the office. I put my 2 clowns from home in there.


What do I do? lol

I just noticed them today, but who knows how long they've been in there. How long before they hatch?? What do they eat? Won't they get sucked into the filter immediately upon hatching? Remember, this tank is at work....after about 5 or 6pm, no-one's usuall here til 9am the next morning....or if it's Friday, not til Monday morning.

Oh Boy!! I don't want them to die.....but I have no clue how to keep them alive!!
OMG!! I just read this. That is awesome.

Most likely they will end up eaten. It takes alot of set up and patience to rear fry.

Congrats! They must be happy in there to spawn.
Hi Mary,

They didn't survive that weekend. The male was doing his thing....fanning them and all. But when we got back to work Monday, all the eggs were gone. There's only the 2 fish in there....a few crabs and a couple snails......and 2 peppermint someone's guilty. lol That or they hatched and got sucked into the filter.
Research tells me they'll probably do it again. lol Oh Boy!!
The fact that they even laid eggs shows that you are good at your husbandry and they are happy in their home.
Good work anyway! I had mine for 10 months and they haven't laid ****!
Soooooo....guess what? I go into work today.....MORE EGGS!!
Ahhhhh.....I feel horrible cause I know they're all just gonna die again. )o:
They're on a different rock......but it's in the back of the tank.

As for husbandry......not as good asyou'd think. I have red slimey algae all over the place. My guess is that it's because the original rock is they picked a nw rock. haha
Sounds like you may have to amp up your clean up crew. You may have too much leftover foods laying around. Suck up as much as you can. Blow off the rest with a turkey baster. Change your filter media. Do a major water change and that will help. That is amazing though. I wish mine would lay eggs. Lazy clowns!
Yep-Yep....everything you just wrote is what I've been doing, minus amping up the cleanup crew yet.
Problem IS......I'm not the only one in the office, so I'm actually guessing the lil fishies are getting "extra" helpings of food. That's what I think my problem is. Ugh!! LOL
Gotta love the guys in the office for taking an interest in the tank.......but "too much lovin" isn't always a good thing. LOL