clown fish

I would wait to get the anemone. I would wait 6 months to a year before putting one in your tank. They are one of the hardest inverts to keep healthy and you really need to know what you are doing and your parameters have to be very stable. I would wait another month and make sure your water is good and start with some softies. Just be patient with the anemone.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6942766#post6942766 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chip721
Clown fishes can survive just fine without an anemone. Strong direct flow on an anemone will probably make it relocate. Clownfishes are not exactly stong swimmers. Too much current will probably make them seek refuge in the rocks and caves. IMO, both anemones and clownfishes do best in moderate indirect flow.

i agree chip