clownfish breathing issue


New member

i have a 12gallon nanocube that's been up for around 3 months and after 2 and half i added 2 true perc clownfish. the lfs owner had these 2 together in a tank and said they were a pair but have never spawned, the female bigger than the male etc.

they've been doing well in my tank up until 3 days ago. the male has been sitting in one spot for most of the time and is constantly breathing heavily. my best guess is 5 breaths per second. he is also not eating.

the other one (female) is doing fine and swimming around normally and eating.

what might this be and how do i go about remedying it?

For help, please answer the following questions.

1. Is your amonia in the unsafe range?
2. Does the fish have white shpots on its body?
no the ammonia is at a good level. and my other clown fish is perfect.

checking him out this morning, he does have an extremely tiny white line on his side. nothing like ich.

there's only that one tiny white marking. when he slept last night he was vertical. but now that he's awake he's horizontal. he still hasn't eaten and is visibly skinny now.
Eventhough your fish does not show white spots, it could still have ick. The top two causes of fast breathing is ick in the gills or high levels of amonia. Since your amonia looks fine, your fish could have ick in the gills. Eventhough your other fish looks fine, he could also have ick.