Clownfish + euphyllia?


New member
possible that clowns (tank raised black and white) will think a euphyllia is an anemone? I saw a beaty long tentacle euphyllia in my local store and think it might be easier than an amemone (which I've never had). 40 gallon reef with, so far, all softies. Just upgraded to T-5's so want to try something new. Thanks
Clowns host wherever they feel like quite frankly... I have a dip in the sand that mine love to play in :eek1:

Not saying they will, not saying they won't. Heck, if you had an anemone there is no guarantee at all they would ever even come close to it.

So, in summary..... "maybe" :)
Definetly,I used to have a torch coral until I went away for a week and let my parents take care of the tank.They fed to much i guess,the nitrates were neer 180,so the torch died.Now my clown lives in a xenia.
yeh i agree my clowns host in my torch.. its all a matter of time and the clowns getting used to the coral
just make sure that you dont keep moving the coral, keep it in one spot then they (the clowns) know that it would be there forever
Just because clowns host that coral does nto mean that coral like it, keep and eye on the coral, if it shows anysigns of ill health then try move it