Clownfish Trick Or Treating


New member
I'll see if I have time to mess around with another one. Maybe I'll give my tang some arms, lol.
I just found a picture of a alligator skull and maniuplated it from there. It's difficult to outline exactly what I did but it included color manipulation, plenty of clone stamping and trail/error. I would read up on a few photoshop books to get a good start.
I have been reading through Photoshop Restoration & Retouching by Katrin Eismann. It has been a great reference for photoshop. I also got another book called Photoshop for Digital photographers or something like that but haven't had time to start working through it. I just get them from my local library so I don't have to drop $30+ on each book and two months is plenty of time to learn what I need to from them. Just post up questions if you have 'em as I'm sure plenty of people know photshop on here pretty well.
hmmmmmmmmm i think it is expensive...................if you buy it................................

I have photoshop hahahaha