Clowns hosting zoas/palys?


New member
Came home and found this. Should I be worried? The palys dont seem to mind much so far probably because my shrimp love to play in them already.



Not yet... ;)

FWIW, the pair of clowns I have destroyed a Duncan coral one time, (constant interaction) but the bubble coral I have now doesn't seem to mind. Zoas/palys are pretty hardy though. Just keep an eye on them. GL.
Not yet... ;)

FWIW, the pair of clowns I have destroyed a Duncan coral one time, (constant interaction) but the bubble coral I have now doesn't seem to mind. Zoas/palys are pretty hardy though. Just keep an eye on them. GL.
Thanks! This pair of clowns has taken a liking to a couple different corals this time it seemed so funny. Hopefully they play nice.