Club direction. Call for help!

I agree with AHarvey that a little more structure might be nice. This was my first meeting and I had a great time and my husband and I both learned a lot. I like the club for the ability to share and learn from others about our hobby. On the other hand, I, like many others there, didn't know too many folks. A little more structure might have helped those of us who are uncomfortable in new situations feel more comfortable. We could do a 'call to orders' and go around with introductions and our interest in the hobby. I don't think it would be necessary to do this at all meetings, but might be important at meetings where there are many new members in attendance.

I think you all should be very proud of how active the club is. Having so many people at a meeting on a Saturday night during the summer is not something to scoff at! I was amazed at all the people that were there. It is a long way to travel for many of us but well worth the trip. And summer is a busy time for vacations, weddings, etc., which can make it difficult for EVERYONE to attend the meetings.

Thanks to Cass for being a wonderful hostess.

I am anxious to get to know everyone better and hopefully be an active member of the club and to help out wherever I can to help continue making the club a success.
I've seen all the replies to date and while they are thoughtful (mine excluded) they are ,however, a very small percentage of the club. That's even a small sampling compared to the core that makes up the active members which is itself very small compared to the registered members.

The comments ,for the most part, are encouraging they are also expressing a desire for structure and organization within the club, at least as it pertains to meetings.

As I see it the the main thing on the clubs agenda should be creating a schedule of meeting dates with topics as well as a thoughtful rotation of meeting places that would allow everyone a chance to attend at least some of the meetings (Minutes of the meeting posted so that those who could not attend can still be kept in the loop.) Of course creating a club agenda may be the first thing that needs to be done.

After that is done the group should come up with ways to entice / encourage members to attend, new and old alike.

Once those things are done seeking ways to spread the hobby should be addressed.

As the membership grows and participation levels increase other activities that are purely of a community service nature could even be considered.

At certain points the club members should be polled as to their thoughts about the clubs direction and ideas that come from this should be brought up at certain meetings to ascertain their feelings.

The majority should determine the clubs path even if the potential pathways offered only come from the minority.

As a member of many clubs ( successful and unsuccessful ) , I can tell you that active participation by its members and offering "something" that makes others want to join and become active ( and stay active ) are keys to its success.

It is inevitable that some people will not be happy with or feel at home within the organization. This will be easier to address when the club is small but will become harder if not impossible to do so when the club grows larger and larger and gets some momentum.
That's just the nature of a majority run "beast."

Just my views.
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Here's a note as far as scheduling goes. I know I'm in the minority, but I work every Saturday. I work in Jackson, and I usually work until 5 PM. This makes it very difficult to attend meetings in Memphis at 5 PM. On the other hand, having meetings on Sundays or weekdays would undoubtedly make it more difficult for some others to attend. Variation in time and place of meetings can help those of us with odd schedules make meetings. Providing as much advance knowledge as possible of when and where they will be held can help us adjust our schedules to make time. No time, date, or place will be perfect for everybody, and we all know that.

We know that some people join the club strictly to receive sponsor discounts. If we want to keep the enticement factor of having sponsor discounts while encouraging participation, it seems that the discounts should come as a reward for active participation. If receiving discounts is a de facto benefit of paying club dues, there simply will be people who take advantage.

I do like the idea about school outreach. I wonder if we could take a page from DrPeaches' book, and try to set up smallish permanent displays in some schools. We could contact the science departments of area high schools and colleges to gauge interest.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7982660#post7982660 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redhawk44cb
We know that some people join the club strictly to receive sponsor discounts. If we want to keep the enticement factor of having sponsor discounts while encouraging participation, it seems that the discounts should come as a reward for active participation.

I think that is an excellent idea. Reward active members with a certain attendance record (50-75%) with discounts. Members would then not get a membership card until that criteria has been met, or something like that. The card is not needed for any reason other than the discount anyway.
no, bad idea. you're not giving a reward, but you're giving punishments. i've been a member for 3 months but couldn't make the first two meetings, not because I didn't want to, but because of other more pressing engagements.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7983145#post7983145 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rendos
I think that is an excellent idea. Reward active members with a certain attendance record (50-75%) with discounts. Members would then not get a membership card until that criteria has been met, or something like that. The card is not needed for any reason other than the discount anyway.
True, but its also nice to have that pretty card in the wallette. Since I'm assuming this would take place at the end of the year (discount determination) and we would have new cards issurd how about embos the discount cards with "Discount member" and everyone who doesn't apply with the basic card? ALL members will still be able to participate in group buys and club functions but there MUST be recognition for attendance and participation. Thats where the instant gratification of LFS discounts would come into play. Group buys don't tend to happed with any regularity, so even if you don't attend the necessary number of meetings to get the Local sponsor discounts you still will get some benefit with group buys...does that make any sense or am I rambling?
I know that some of you expressed concern with the disorganization at the meeting and all I can say is, that was our first "free-for-all." It certinly didn't go as I was planning it to. I felt like I was back in Boy Scouts with everyone splintering up into groups and I was trying to get everyone together. We did get some education going in some of the groups but by far there needed to be more prepwork done. Future "free-for-all's" will be planned better for sure.
The September meeting is scheduled for Vicki Moore's house in Jackson. The topic will be aquarium photography.
October meeting will be at Dr. Jay's house in Memphis, topic pending. And I'm looking into having the November meeting at the Memphis Zoo, with a tour of the Aquarium, and a nice luncheon under the secluded pavilion they have over near the Panda exhibit.
I realize many people join for the discounts, but i'm hoping they will stay for the comradery and community that we are as a club. The St Jude Project hasn't been explored to its fullest potential yet mostly because i'm more concerned with getting the tanks up and operational. Once that happens I plan on having a grand reopening of the tanks with the hospital's local paper covering the event. I can almost guarentee that the AV department will cover it for future use in the telethons (they love a party!) and whenever celebrities come through and fund raisers take place the clinic waiting room (where the tanks are located) is always a tour stop. Right now patients and parents are the ones enjoying the tanks but I have noticed a lot of the staff taking time to enjoy the tanks and some of the top brass have taken an interest aswell. Not to get ahead of myself but i've been warned (with a wink and a smile) that in the new developments onsite, plans are in the works for more tanks. So I hope you volunteers know what you're getting yourselves into :rollface:
I personally agree with Jay, but it's either accept that some will join for the discount or restrict who gets the discount. In my opinion, the individual sponsor should decide who gets what discount and why. If one LFS wants to give discounts to members with a certain attendance record, they could attend and take role. I'm not a club officer, but I don't necessarily think it's the club's place to tell a sponsor who gets what. Then again, if the club wants to designate levels of membership, and sponsors choose to honor those levels, there's nothing wrong with that. The bottom line is that the sponsor makes the final call.

Then there's this... if we start having 100 people attend, where the crap are we gonna meet?
I had a slightly different reason for joining the club in the Spring. I check the posts on RC almost every day since that is the easiest way for me to learn at this point. When it was announced that the club would be working to upgrade the St. Jude tanks, I could not join fast enough. I have certain limitations on time and money, as everyone does, and the St. Jude tanks gave me the chance to become involved in something I have enjoyed in one form or another since I was 10. Thankfully the price was right for working on the St. Jude tanks since the main cost was time.

I have attended a meeting or two since joining. I am still very intimidated at the thought of moving from a stable freshwater systems to one that requires a larger commitment in both time and money. My main limiting factor in attending more meetings is the day and time of the typical meeting. My wife and I both have hectic weekly schedules and Saturday night is generally the day we set aide for each other. Before you ask, I would love for her to join, but her only concern is that the tank not smell up the house. Sunday nights would be much more convenient.

I might also suggest having some meetings that are smaller in size to address specific issues that multiple people, especially those new to the hobby, might need to address. Again I am not as active as I would like so I am not sure if this would work. Once a quarter it would be nice to go to a house or shop where we could get some hands on experience managing a reef system. This could probably only be done using small numbers of members at a single time since it would be hard for 15 people to work on a system at the same time. I realize that most of the people who have been in this hobby for some time have forgotten more about reefing than I currently know. I would love someone to walk me through their typical maintenance routine or teach me how to measure and adjust the chemistry of a system correctly so I do not kill everything in the tank. There is so much to learn if you want to be successful in this hobby and I am still trying to figure out where to start.

Just my thoughts. Ignore them if you want.


I'm glad that everyone is chiming in with their comments. It really helps me to get an idea of where things are and where their going. Perconally, I think we're not to bad for a 2 year old. You should see mine :)
I think a certain level of attendance in order to qualify for certain discounts is a fine idea. I do, however , think the number of meetings required should be relatively low, maybe up to 25%. The idea would not be to punish but to try and get the members that only joined for the discounts to come to some meetings. Once they attend, who knows ,they may like it and attend regularly after that. If something like this is decided on and put into action the club should make every effort to come up with a schedule that would allow everyone the opportunity to attend at some point. Now a certain level of attendance in order to vote on any issues should be required in my opinion. As to who keeps up with who attends, that's the role of the club secretary.

The discount issue is really a non-issue anyway. As many have said they were not in it for the discounts. The club will survive without discounts and if doesn't, it wasn't much of club in the first place. As to members that only join for the discounts...., more revenue for the club.
An alternating Sat/Sun schedule with possibly a couple weeknight meetings would settle availability issues with most. I know most Sat's are bad for me in spring/summer and it seems to be for a few others also.
A little more advance in meeting schedule would also help.
Also, I agree there needs to be some kind of sum of the meeting to those that cant attend for whatever reason. That might help draw others to the meetings also. Let them see/hear what goes on kind of thing.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7983670#post7983670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redhawk44cb
Then there's this... if we start having 100 people attend, where the crap are we gonna meet?

Very good point.....Then what? I know how crowded it is sometimes with just the 15-20 people....imagine X5:)
Recap so far:

1. Meeting should have an agenda to provide structure.

2. Have the meeting first, then socialize afterward.

3. Meetings should be at different days/times/cities to allow
everyone a chance to attend.

4. Discounts based on some attendance level to encourage
active participation.

5. Knowledge growth/shared experience is primary reason for

6. Community activity to grow hobby.

Does this grasp the main ideas?
It sounds like this tread was directed at people like me. I am a “charter” member and have attended exactly zero meetings this year. I do check our message board here at RC often. If anyone has asked a question that I can answer (and hasn’t already been addressed) I try to help. I am by no means an expert so I try to keep my answers to my sphere of knowledge. So, am I one of the ‘bad’ members who are just taking advantage of the discounts? I don’t think so. I have spent about $20 at LFS this year. I probably won’t save enough on discount to cover my membership fee. I haven’t been to a meeting yet because there simply are other things going on. Last weekend was the first time in a long time that we have been in town on the day of the meeting. We actually were en route to the meeting this past Saturday when another pressing matter came up. I have read all the post and don’t think there is a problem with our club. There will always be people who attend every meeting. There, hopefully, will always be new people looking for advice and direction. Then there are people who will show up if there is nothing better to do. I am somewhere between the 1st and last categories. So, do get cut off from member benefits? I would worry that if you bring about a feeling of alienation for the 80% of the club that is not ‘active’, you may end up with a 100% active club that is 80% smaller than before. Everyone that sees my tank, and expresses interest in setting up their own, gets the word on our club. I would bet that is one of the best ways of getting new members, besides this board and signs in LFS.
So far no one has addressed what I think was the true reason for this thread. “we now stand to lose our most loyal sponsor” If this is a concern then we can address that, but saying the club is going in the wrong direction because people aren’t showing up at meetings is a bit of a stretch. It would be nice to have workshops and classes, but having one every month is difficult and won’t necessarily encourage people to come. If we are going to talk about setting up a closed loop and I already have a closed loop or don’t want one, that’s not going to get me want to come if I wasn’t already coming. I think the club may want to have quarterly meetings where some fundamental ‘workshop’ type things are done like plumbing or working with acrylics…big picture kind of stuff. The internet has become a huge source of information and the club is a good way to discuss this information. This board serves that purpose to varying degrees. That leaves the actual meetings to hash out the details and discuss nuances. I wish I had had those resources when I was starting out. I think that as the club matures, our goal should be to make meetings enjoyable enough for our experienced members to show up, so they can be there to answer the questions of newer members.
Oh, and as for my suggestion for expanding the club. Don’t most Petco’s and such have a bulletin board for community news and such. Can we post a sign for the club on them? That’s probably where most of our potential members first go to get started. While I am all for the aquariums in schools project for other reasons, I don’t think getting Junior and his 2nd grade class excited about fishies and crabbies is going to get us any members.
You made a lot of really good points Willem. Thanks for jumping in.
Everyone's comments and statements really helps me to see where everyone perceives the club is and where its headed. Organization is a must and will be handled better. I also think I'll be appointing a new secretary.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7988995#post7988995 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by willember
“we now stand to lose our most loyal sponsor”

I can address that.

While I've made suggestions they are just that, suggestions. The club does what the club decides to do and I'm not going to apply pressure to try and bend it to my will. There was only one thing I wanted to see from the club and only one thing that would get my sponsorship and that is for the club to increase interest in the hobby to non-hobbyists. As long as the club actively spreads the "word" ,I'm happy. Doing so is a win win situation for everyone associated with the hobby. If the club decides that is not the direction it wants to go, I'm fine with that. It would mean that I would see no practical reason to support it beyond goodwill. I viewed supporting it at its inception as an investment but the one thing I didn't count on was making friends from some of its members. That puts me in a situation that makes it difficult for me to make a decision based solely on whats best for my business but I must remember ,that at the end of the day, it is a business to me and no longer a hobby.

Something to remember is that discounts by stores ,vendors ,...etc. are given to the club members as a courtesy, they are not purchased with membership. Sponsorship is purchased by paying a slightly higher membership fee and does not require that any sponsor offer any kind of discount. I offered it ( along with other things) so that the fledgling club would have something quantitative to offer its new members.
IMO in order for the club to survive and prosper it must offer something beyond that to its members.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7992116#post7992116 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by just dave
Something to remember is that discounts by stores ,vendors ,...etc. are given to the club members as a courtesy, they are not purchased with membership.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7983670#post7983670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redhawk44cb
In my opinion, the individual sponsor should decide who gets what discount and why. If one LFS wants to give discounts to members with a certain attendance record, they could attend and take role. I'm not a club officer, but I don't necessarily think it's the club's place to tell a sponsor who gets what. Then again, if the club wants to designate levels of membership, and sponsors choose to honor those levels, there's nothing wrong with that. The bottom line is that the sponsor makes the final call.

My point exactly. That's why I think it's a moot point to even discuss the discount from a club administrative point of view. It would make more sense to me to limit things such as group orders or voting privileges; I.E. things that the club itself provides as benefits, if anything.
What about this:

This is just downstairs from where my wife works. As you can see, the entire unit is decorated with under the sea themes. They have a tank that you can barely see at the right of the top picture. She said she thought it was a 55 or a 75 with gravel and plastic plants, and about 4 small fish she didn't recognize... prob freshwater. What do you guys think about shopping the St. Jude idea out to them?
Colin, I saw that article myself and wondered if it was a SW or FW tank. I know several who work in Maternal Child/Peds myself. I have worked in 2 of those areas in the past. Perhaps we could ask if they have an interest in a Reef tank. Heavens only knows they have the money. I would be glad to help out with a tank in the clinic just so a certain "Nurse" is not present. Colin and Nick know of whom I speak!!
HA HA... didn't think of that!!! My wife is gonna ask her director if she can find out anything about who maintains the tank, if they have a budget for it, etc. I'm gonna go by there one day this week and check out the tank, maybe take some pics, see if it's something we wanna pursue.