Club garage sale time?

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Premium Member
It looks as though a lot of people have tanks, parts, and equipment for sale. I also need to clear down in preparation for our move and could fill a table all by myself.

What do you all think about a spring cleaning garage sale again? I think it was about this time last year that we set up in front of Memfish and the year before had it at Jay's.

What do you all think about the weekend after April 15th? Is that too soon?
I think we need to allow time to get the word out, advertise, and give people time to pull out their stuff. There are only 2 weekends before Easter.

April 18th would work great for me, although I could do the 4th if I could share shifts with someone on a table. I think people are with family Easter weekend so don't think that would be a good weekend to do it.
no--i was thinking the weekend before--like you said, their are a lot of reefers trying to sell items now, so basically what would be the difference--besides, if we have it earlier, then they would have extra money for easter--i.e, outfits/eggs and so forth--just my two pennies
I could do that, but we'd need to get on it and start getting the word out and put an ad in the paper next week.
sounds good--now let's see how many others feel the same-- i'm even willing to grill some hot dogs and brats--can the club come up with a grill or a truck to haul mine there?
At this time of year the longer that we can hold off the better the odds of the weather being more conducive to good weather and decent turn out.

Last hard freeze date here is not until April 15th.

Giving people a couple weeks to get things togather might help out most.

And is this in lieu of holding an April Meeting?
I don't think it needs to replace the April meeting if we have something else good planned, but it could if we don't.

Dave at Kermits has graciously invited us to hold the garage sale there. If we hold it on a Sunday, all the other stores there are closed and we can set up all along the center under the awnings. It would be great to have the shade and cover and we'll have good visibility.

If we do it on Sunday, I'm fine with either the weekend before or after Easter. I agree that the weekend after gives us a little more time to get our act together and have a better chance for good weather, although it seems like all of April is usually pretty nice.

I have no preference between those two weekends so will see what votes come in from others.
I'm with Bill No need to rush things I think the weekend of the 18th sounds great, I need time to clean up some of this equipment
Someone a lot smarter than me recently said,

"....and always remember the Cardinal Rule of reef-keeping “nothing good happens fast”."

Ergo, pick a date that makes sense.

Understand "IT" - whatever "it" is.
Promote it.
Execute it.
noooo i need money before the sale , im tooooooo broke, im going to have to take everyones on call for the next month lol
Well of course we can always have it in the Yorkshire Square Shopping Center parking lot, same spot as last year. It did get a little warm toward 11:00 am after the sun cleared the building and awnings
Last year there was a fair turn out and hopefully with more advertising the turnout will be much better. Could we go the public service announcement route since the club is non profit? Could the club also sell soft drinks and snacks as a fund raiser? I also suggest that we set a date like 2nd Saturday of April and then it is the same weekend each year. Date doesn't matter but the consistency would allow people to anticipate it and be prepared without issues. The times last year worked pretty well and I think it was 9:00 to 12:00 am on Saturday.
I personally believe you will have a better turnout on Saturday than you would on Sunday because of Church.
I think it would be fair to have the next one at Kermit's since it was by Memfish last time. We don't need to leave out a long time sponsor of the club.
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