Here is the tradition on the garage sale:
First year, Jay put it together and hosted it at his house. It was just an informal collaboration of volunteers for all who wanted to participate. The club did not formally organize or raise money. All sellers helped each other out working shifts and everyone kept their own money.
Last year, it was also an informal collaboration of volunteers. We all helped each other out and everyone kept their own money. It seemed like a bigger deal because we had it outside Memfish, but it wasn't really any more organized than it was the year before.
This club officer is tapped to the max and if you are all looking for the club to take charge and do it for you, then we should bag it right now. I'm sorry if I created any misundertanding in my original post.
I just wasn't thinking of this as a big deal that would crowd out a meeting or the frag swap. I was thinking more in terms of just whoever wanted to sell, showing up with their stuff, we put an ad in the paper and a sign out front and enjoy each other's company while we hopefully unload some excess. I really don't want the pressure of trying to organize this as a formal club activity.
If someone else wants to volunteer and take that charge, then check it with Dave and BJ and go for it.
I am willing to commit to April 18 and will arrange to put the ad in the paper and Craig's List. Who else can commit to being there with stuff to sell on April 18? If we have at least 8 - 9 other people, then I think we have a garage sale. If not, we should all post our stuff as we can here on RC or whatever.