Clueless about clams

Gotta say, I think it is T. maxima too. Mantle pattern and asymetrical shape of the shell. Looks to be doing well too with the white growth rim around the top of the shell.
Looks like a T. Maxima. The color looks odd because it is photographed from the side and not looking down on it from the top. Look at any clam from the side and I think the color looks a bit odd like this one, probably if that one was photographed from directly above the color would look more like a typical 1st grade Maxima or possibly even an ultra, but usually a true ultra grade Maxima looks more intense than this one even from the side.
I tried to get a good shot from above, but it didn't work out very well. The coloration is more accurate in the first photo.

<CENTER><TABLE> <TR> <TD COLSPAN = 4><CENTER><IMG SRC=></CENTER></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN = 4><B>SZ020422_2106_77-cpcba</B> - clam</TD> </TR> </TABLE><TABLE CELLSPACING=20><TR> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=>320x240 (16.0K)</A></TD> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=>640x480 (52.0K)</A></TD> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=>800x600 (103.0K)</A></TD> <TD><A TARGET=_blank HREF=> (441.0K)</A></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <TABLE><TR><td align=center><a TARGET=_blank HREF=><img SRC= border=0></a></td> <td align=center><a TARGET=_blank HREF=><img SRC= border=0></a></td> </tr></TABLE></CENTER>
gregt said:
I tried to get a good shot from above, but it didn't work out very well. The coloration is more accurate in the first photo.

Actually this picture is probably as accurate as the first :) Tridacnid clams will look completely different when viewed from different angles. IMO most people prefer the "looking from the top" view as the clam colors from there are usually more striking. JMO.
Greg, very nice looking clam. Also would appear that is a Ultra as well. :) I kinda know as I looked at 2,000 clams today but didn't buy but 100. I love cherry picking :)

From above it shows the typical T. maxima mantle shape. I'm certain that's what it is now :) It sure makes you want to set up a shallow low tank with low surface flow so you can always look at them from the top. The color change associated with the viewing angle is amazing.

Thanks guys. I think a lot of the color difference is that I had to turn off the VHO's for the picture from the top.

Barry, what does 'ultra' mean?
It means they can charge you 20-30% more for it LOL. Not really. Ultras are supposed to have the best, brightest, most beautiful colors, etc.

Kevin is correct on both accounts. Most people grade Maxima in either 1st Grade or Ultra grade. Yes Ultra do cost more then 1st grade. But a Black Tiger is a very expensive clam and it is considered a 1st grade clam.

I will take a picture of each so that you can see the difference if you like?
