Cobalt Neo-Therm heaters in or out of stock?


New member
Hi, I ordered two Neo-therm 200W heaters during the Black Friday sale... among other things. Was told they are on back order and there is no known date available for them to be back... yet you have them showing as available all this time on the web site even though I've seen other things market as out of stock. Would you mind explaining which is it?


Spacey ;)

They are on manufacturer backorder right now. However, we get a lot of customers that still want to order and wait for it to come in so that's why we leave it up like that. We do try and notify immediately of any out of stocks on your order. I'm sorry for the inconvenience on it.
Thanks Jeremy, not a problem, my system is still in flux. But... it would be good to have at least a vague idea on when they might be back around, are we talking a week, a month, two months... etc? Not sure if other dealers have theirs in stock or also just not show the out-of stock status for the same reasons but at some point I will need to figure out what to do w/heating.

Spacey :)
I just heard back from Cobalt and we should have these right after Christmas, hopefully that Thursday or Friday next week.