Coldwater Reef Anyone?

That would be pretty cool! especially if you could get it for relatively cheap as I'm sure they go for a couple grand brand new.

If you haven't been there yet, the Cabrillo Aquarium in San Pedro has some cool coldwater reef-like displays with local California fauna and flora.
I think I might snag this is the bidding stays low...

Keep it in the garage until after tax season, maybe see if some other people want to take on a project like this with me.
Nice! That glass looks awfully green, though. I wonder if you could find one locally to check out?

If you did get it, it would certainly be worth a drive up to Las Vegas instead of shipping. I know the WC Aquatics all-in-one version is not as attractive, is only 50g, and goes for $2000.
Go to like a local red lobster restaurant to see what this looks like in person. I've seen them there
This is totally worth it if the bid stays low. Especially since this is a complete unit including chiller (the chiller isnt quiet, though). Some mods will have to be done if you dont like the bottom filter plate, though. Nicole is right though, the glass is quite green. Its not built to be a show tank so the clarity isnt important, just as long as you can see the livestock.

Just think, you could plumb this into your display tank and make this into a the über-fuge/sump. h0h!
It is currently $600... 6 hours left

what do you guys think? How difficult would it be to start a Coldwater reef as far as live stock?
CDF&G sportfishing regulations allow for some collection of local critters, and with a collection permit (if eligible), you could collect more things. I encourage you to check out the regulations thoroughly.
These units normally run several grand. If you can afford to run the chiller to maintain the lower temps I'd do it.
Hell, you could just stock it with stuff you can pick up at the grocery store. You wont need to worry about them regulations that way. Heh. :)