Color loss


Premium Member
I've had this awesome colony of red zoas for a few months now, yesterday I notices that they have over night turned pink, lost color. All my other zoas look good, no new additions, no changes of lighting etc, zoas are open, tank is mostly sps and zoas. Only dose amino acids nightly along with cal alk and mag. Any ideas?

Cheers, mark.
Did they change color in a 24hr period?
Could be a sudden temperature change.

What lights?
How much amino acids added per day?
Tank size?
Water params?
Could be a combination of things...

under 250w 20k radiums,
dosing about 1ml in 300g of aa
alk 7 cal 400, mag 1200 ( have always run these parameters)
foxface, blue, yellow, powder brown tang, flame hawk, 2 pj's, pair occys, and a damsel.
i dont thnk its a combo of things for it to happen over night??
still looks very healthy, and open, just lost color.