colorful hitchhikers


New member
Got these two beauties as hitch hikers. What are they? Going to have to serperat them as they are stinging eah other. Both are about 4 in. in Dia.


The second photo is more blurry but without the flash shows better definition making me almost sure that the top group is an inchoata body type. Or an undefined Rhodactis Sp. The bottom solitary polyp looks like either a juvenile Indosinensis or more likely a Yuma with a poorly developed oral crown. Hard to say without a crisp photo and perhaps more close a look.
THank you for your inputs. I'm a newb both in reefing and photography. So I'll have to work on getting a better pic.
Chops, I had a lot of trouble getting clear pictures until I found the right setting on my camera. Try the macro or super macro setting if you have it. On Canon's it's a pic of a flower.
I look's almost exactly like what I have. Pretty sure it's some form of hairy shroom. If it IS what I have then your in luck, as the things are near impossible to kill. I had mine survive a true "melt down" where the heater fried the whole tank (including the mushroom) and it came back from a tiny piece of the foot. Yes, it grew back to full size in an amazingly short amount of time. Put them under bright lighting and they turn a beautiful florescent green. :D
the solitary piece is a green hairy mushroom,,I have the same mushroom that you have... congrats man,, just wait 1 month and it'll split,,, and then they'll keep splitting and it'll be impossible to kill