coloring fattening


New member
3 issues

1) I've had yuma's and florida's for a while. Most of them are fine still, but I have a couple orange and purple floridas that at one time were my healthiest ones (cluster of 2 turned to 4 and got big ~3"). they were mid level slightly indirect from the brightest area under a 250 watt 10000k mh. for a good while it was good but these past few months I watched them slowwwwly shrivel and turn really bright colored (almost pink and sea green). I tried moving them away from the light, and feeding them more directly, but I don't know.

What to do? Other orange/purple Ric Fl seem fine

2) a few Yuma's look fat, but lose color-they've become orangy brown, but when they were new, 1 type was pink and green, the other type was purple with orange tips. This is not coinciding with the problem above.

3) Blue/green striped mushrooms- similar to the shriveling floridas. They use to be really full and colorful. Now they are shriveled, sometime's moderatly swelled, and sometimes they look translucent. I suspect the same issue with the floridas, but ALL of them are doing this. What's weird is that my red shrooms are all still nice and full.

LFS told me iodine supplement. I dose with dowflake calc, arm and hammer solutions ala chemistry forum, and ESV mg. I just bought kent iodine. I have a macro with deep sand refugium, just set up phosban reactor, and I use chemipure in a canister, (skimmer of course).

Doin it for 3 yrs.

MY 2 cents worth .. if i dont check for it i dont dose it..i have a 75g..lots of rics an yumas wit t5s ...i do a 25 percent water change a month an watch my lvls i never use arm an hammer.., im not giving advise by no means ... just letting you know what works for me..keep me poasted..

The arm and hammer is for alkalinity. I think after a few years, if you have lots of demanding creatures (I have montipora caps, clams, a 3 large acan colonies, and a couple brains.) A lot of levels drop to where water changes every month don't seem to keep up. I change 10% water about 2 or 3 times a month. So, I'm just asking about what else I should be dosing (and testing) to bring out the best in my shrooms. Iodine is the only suggestion so far and I want to know what yall think.