
New member

Section 1. Registered Office. The registered office shall be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Section 2. Principal Office. The principal office for the transaction of business of the Corporation shall be located at:

435 N. Walker, Suite 102
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

The Board of Directors is hereby granted full power and authority to change said principal office from one location to another. Any such change shall be noted in the By-laws by the Secretary, opposite this section, or this section may be amended to state the new location.

Section 3. Other Offices. The Corporation may also have offices at such other places both within and without the State of Oklahoma as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine or the business of the Corporation may require.

Section 4. Members of Corporation. The Corporation shall have no members.


Section 1. Purposes. This Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, benevolent, educational and scientific purposes including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law (Internal Revenue Code).

Included among the charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes for which this Corporation is organized, as qualified and limited by the foregoing paragraph, are as follows.

B. To do any and all lawful acts that may be necessary and proper for the attainment of the foregoing purposes.



Section 1. Board
The governing body of the Central Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society, Inc, hereafter Referred to as Society or COMAS, shall be the Board of Directors consisting of five (5) members of COMAS elected to serve as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Ex-Officio of the Society. These officers will serve from December 1st to November 30th. Each officer may only hold one elected position, but may also take responsibility for an appointed position.

Section 2. Vacancy of Office
A. If the office of any Director or Officer becomes vacant, the position shall be filled by a special election of the membership. Any Director that misses two consecutive Board of Directors meetings could be considered to have forfeited their position, they may be removed without notice; any position may be recalled and replaced by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board when they display an inability or unwillingness to perform their duties.

B. Special Election - The Board shall have the power to fill all vacancies occurring within its’ ranks during the Fiscal Year, in accordance with Article III. Time and date of election will be posted 45 days prior to the election or in as reasonable a time frame as feasible. Nomination for vacancies will be held open for 10 days following creation of the vacancy.

Section 3. Compensation
No Director/ Officer shall receive a salary by virtue of being a Director/Officer. The Board by majority vote may reimburse a director, officer, or other designated person for his/her speaker’s fee, travel expenses, or other out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the society with authorization.

Section 4. Agent
No person may act as an agent for the Society, or the Board without the written consent of the Board.

Section 5. Forum
The Board shall be allowed to have a forum on under the Board of Directors. This forum will be for the discussion of club business via ongoing "electronic discussions" of the Board.

Section 6. Vote
Each of the Board members will have one vote. A simple majority will decide all votes unless indicated otherwise in the Bylaws.


Section 1. President
The President should act in the best interest of the club at all times to create an environment that is friendly and educational while at the same time building the club membership through the institution of various specialized programs. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board, to see that the bylaws are enforced, to call such meetings as are herein provided, and to have general supervision over all the affairs of the Society. The President shall sign all written contracts and obligations, unless otherwise provided by special vote of the Board, and no contract shall be valid and binding upon the Society unless so signed. The President is primarily responsible for organizing all non-regular scheduled meetings and working as a liaison with outside entities as required. The President will be one of the authorized signers for disbursement of Society funds. If the President is unable to attend any meeting of the Board, the President must inform the Vice President and supply the Vice President with a President's report and agenda. Upon retirement from office, the President shall turn over to his/her successor all Society property in his possession.

Section 2. Vice President
It shall be the duty of the Vice President to work closely with and assist the President in carrying out all the President’s duties and assist in organizing meetings and setting up future events. The Vice President will act for the President in the President’s absence or at the President’s request, and step into that office in case the President’s position becomes vacant, until that Board position is filled by special election and a new President is elected. If a Vice President is unable to attend any Board meeting, the Vice President must inform the President and supply the President with a Vice President’s report. Upon retirement from office, the Vice President shall turn over to his/her successor all Society property in his/her possession.

Section 3. Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep and maintain a true record of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and of the Society meetings as required. The secretary will send a copy of the minutes to all absent officers and delegates for each meeting. A public record of minutes and newsletters shall be kept online. If the Secretary is unable to attend any Board or Society Meeting, the Secretary must inform the President and is responsible for finding a substitute Secretary. When authorized by the Board, the Secretary will assist in obtaining and filing any legal or organizational form, contract or letter necessary for the operation of the Society. The Secretary will coordinate with the Communications Chair & Webmaster to include minutes in Internet communications to Society members. Upon retirement from office, the Secretary shall turn over to his/her successor all documents and any other Society property in his possession.

Section 4. Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies belonging to the Society, to keep an accurate record of all income and disbursements, and to report in writing of such at each Board meeting. A public record of the Treasurer's Report will be available to premium members upon request. The Treasurer will be one of the authorized signers for disbursement of Society funds. As needed and approved by the Board, an auditor(s) approved by the Board shall audit accounts for the preceding fiscal year. If the Treasurer is unable to attend any Board meeting, the Treasurer must inform the President and supply the President with a Treasurer's report. Upon retirement from office, the Treasurer shall turn over to his/her successor all funds, books of accounts, passwords and any other Society property in his possession.

Section 5. Ex-Officio
The immediate Past President, or other former Board member as appointed shall assist the President in the administration of the Society. Other duties shall be as established by the Board.


Each chair and all committees shall report such proceedings periodically to the Board of Directors.

1. Membership Chair
It shall be the duty of the Membership Chair to maintain the records of all the members, provide membership cards, and help organize membership drives. The Membership Chair shall have general charge of member records, which includes names, addresses, phone numbers, screen names, and e-mail addresses. All membership dues are collected and noted by the Membership Chair, and then given to the Treasurer. The Membership Chair shall give a report at the Board meeting of the number of members in attendance at Society meetings, as well as any other news concerning the membership. The Membership Chair shall organize a way to supply the Communications Chair with address labels and e-mail address lists in a timely manner. If the Membership Chair is unable to attend any Society meeting, the Membership Chair must inform the President and is responsible for finding a substitute membership representative and supplying the President with a Membership Report.

2. Webmaster
The Webmaster will be responsible for creating and updating the Society website as authorized by the Board. The Webmaster will be responsible for informing the Board of due dates and payment amounts or other requirements so that the Society can be responsible for payment to the web host or programming consultants as required. The Webmaster is responsible for selecting and training one or more back-up webmasters who can assist the Webmaster and assume the Webmaster’s duties in the event that the Webmaster is unable to fulfill them.

3. Communications Chair
The Communications Chair’s responsibility is to communicate the actions of the directors to the members of the society and the general public. The Communications Chair will be responsible for the writing and/or collection of articles, news items, minutes, President’s letter and other information to be included in the Society newsletter and on the Internet. The newsletter will be published on a schedule set by the Board. The Communications Chair will obtain an up-to-date membership list and e-mail a newsletter to all Members. The Communications Chair will publicize events scheduled for the society with local media and forums. The Communications Chair will work closely with the Board, the Webmaster, and the Event Chairs to verify, authorize and post information on the Society website and related forums.

4. Social Event Co-Chair
The Social Event Co-Chairs will be responsible for planning and executing 4 meetings per year. The focus of these meetings will be social interaction and small group discussion among the membership. Duties related to meeting planning may include location arrangements, logistics, transportation, and scheduling. The Social Event Chairs will have the responsibility of communicating with the Board and the Communications Chair and posting details in the Leadership Team Forum on the society’s website.

5. Educational Event Co-Chair
The Educational Event Co-Chairs will be responsible for planning and executing 4 meetings per year. The purpose of these meeting should be to advance members’ knowledge of different aspects of the aquarium hobby. Duties related to meeting planning may include location arrangements, logistics, transportation, and scheduling. The Educational Event Chairs will have the responsibility of communicating with the Board and the Communications Chair and posting details in the Leadership Team Forum on the society’s website.

6. Frag Program Chair
It will be the responsibility of the Frag Program Chair to maintain the database of donated coral and plant frags and which members have and want those frags. The Chair will distribute and record new sponsorship for all returning and new frags at the meetings and publish that information on the society website. The Frag Program Chair will work with other appointed Chairs and the Board of Directors to ensure the frags are accurately described and information pertaining to the care, maintenance and propagation are added to the society website. It will be the responsibility of the Frag Program Chair to remind sponsors to return frags to the program. The Chair will complete a monthly article for the website and/or newsletter highlighting corals or an aspect of the Frag Program. The Chair will provide a report to the Board on the number of frags returned and frags that are not being returned. If the Chair is unable to attend any society meeting, he must inform the President and is responsible for finding a substitute member to perform his duties and supplying a report to the president.

7. Library Chair
It will be the responsibility of the Library Chair to maintain a database or record of the library inventory. The Chair will also be responsible for checking out items to club members and following up to make sure the items are returned. Each year the Chair will recommend any purchases to add to the library. The Chair will periodically provide newsletter articles highlighting a selection of items from the library.

8. Committees
The Board may appoint such positions or committees with such duties as they see fit and may delegate to such any of their powers with exception of Board voting rights and signature authority. Any Officer, Director, Chair or Member may be appointed to the committee or Chair of the Committee.


Section 1. Eligibility
To stand for election, a person must be a Member in good standing, over the age of 18, who has attended at least four Society meetings in the previous twelve calendar months.

Section 2. Election
Nominations for directors shall take place the first two weeks of November. Nominations for directors shall be solicited via the Forum and at the regularly scheduled Society meeting during the first two weeks of November. The Membership Chair will determine eligibility of the nominated persons to run for office. Elections shall take place at the November Society Meeting. The new Directors shall assume office on December 1st of each year.

The members of the Society shall be adult persons of good character and reputation who share an enthusiasm for the hobby of maintaining marine aquarium life.

Section 1.
Membership in the Central Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society shall be open to any person who, by proper application, meets with the approval of the Board of Directors. Denial of membership by the Board of Directors shall not be based on sex, race, creed, color, religion, sexual preference, or nationality.

Section 2.
Proper application for membership and dues amounts shall be established by the Board of Directors (Board) and shall be publicly available at all meetings and online. These may be changed by a vote of the Board.

Section 3. Rights of Members
- to attend all general meetings
- to participate in online discussion forums, provided they follow the User Agreement of the Forums
- to carry a membership card and exercise any discounts or benefits available through the Society
- to receive the COMAS publications electronically
- to vote in elections and on any matter put before the membership

Section 4.
All members shall comply with the Bylaws, and shall act with responsibility and integrity in all matters relating to the Society.

Section 5. Membership Dues:
Annual membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. This must be an adequate sum, enabling the Club to operate in an efficient, proper and solvent manner in the service and best interest of its membership. Membership is activated at the discretion of the membership coordinator. Dues will be adjusted as needed by the Board of Directors for the proper and efficient running of the club. The membership dues may be changed once annually, but no more than $5.00 per year since the last change. If an increase of more than $5.00 is necessary an affirmative vote of the membership is required.

Section 6. Removal of Membership rights
The Society reserves the right to revoke specific membership rights of any individual due to conduct considered detrimental to the Society. Any member who violates the provisions of these Bylaws or individual rules/terms of service of a membership privilege/service may be revoked access and rights to the specific membership privilege/service. Action to remove access and rights may be implemented immediately by an appointed privilege/service administrator, Officer or Director. Any such action shall immediately be posted to the Board of Directors Forum. A majority of the Board of Directors shall vote via the Forum within 48 hours to affirm or overturn the action. In absence of a majority of the Board the action will automatically be overturned. Upon affirmation of action by the Board the member may at any time appeal the action via the appeals section in the Forum or during the call for any other business during the Society meeting. Upon appeal the Board shall consider the charges and the member̢۪s defense, and may then, in its sole discretion, overturn the action by a vote. If the Board votes to uphold the action, then a vote may be requested of the membership at a regular society meeting by that member (provided 72 hours notice prior to the meeting is made to the Board). The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present shall be required to overturn the action taken.

Section 7. Removal of a Member
The Society reserves the right to revoke the membership of any individual due to conduct considered detrimental to the Society. Any member who violates the provisions of these Bylaws or who by way of his or her acts tends to injure or be discreditable to the Society, may be expelled from the Society. Any such charge of misconduct shall be made in writing and presented to the President or Secretary. The Board of Directors shall consider the charges and the member̢۪s defense, and may then, in its sole discretion, recommend to the Membership at a regular meeting the expulsion of the member. The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present shall be required for expulsion. Any removal shall not be actionable by the member.


Section 1. Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year of the Society shall be from January 1st until the following December 31st.

Section 2. Financial Records
The financial records of the Society shall be maintained on the cash basis of accounting with a written summary of all receipts and disbursements presented to members at least annually. Such report is to be presented to members no more than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year.

Section 3. Budget
At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall prepare or cause to be prepared a budget of estimated income and expenditures for the year, which, having been agreed to by the Board of Directors. The budget shall be the limit of expenditures for the respective purposes unless otherwise ordered by action of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Audit
An audit or other financial review of the Society̢۪s financial records may be performed at any time deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Fund Disbursement Authorization
Authorization to disburse Society funds requires the signature of two Directors prior to any expense incurred over $500.00. Upon approval and signature the expense may be incurred on the Society̢۪s behalf and receipts and documentation must be presented to the treasurer within thirty days. Any reimbursement by the club will be completed within 30 days.


Section 1. Annual Election Meeting
The Annual Election Meeting of the Society shall be held on the second Saturday of November each year at which time the election for club officers/ directors shall take place.

Section 2. Monthly Meetings
The regular monthly meeting of this Society shall be held on the second Saturday each month at 7:30 PM. Any exception to the regular meeting date and time shall be approved by the Board of Directors. Due notice of the date and location of each meeting shall be announced through regular Society communications.

Section 3. Quorum
Twenty percent of the total membership shall constitute quorum at the annual and regular meetings of the Society.

Section 4. Board of Director Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet at least quarterly at such time and place as may be determined by the Board. Special meetings of the Board may be called by either the President or a majority number (3) of members of the Board whenever deemed necessary. Notice of each such meeting shall be given to each Board member by telephone and or e-mail at least seventy-two hours before the time at which the meeting is to be held. Every such notice shall state the time and place of the meeting. Due notice of the location and time of each meeting shall be also be posted or given to all members of the Society, and all such meetings are open to members. Attendance by Board members may happen over a phone line if required and arranged beforehand. A quorum must be present to conduct a Board meeting, and consists of at least half of the voting Board members. Society members shall be notified when a change in the bylaws is being recommended by the Board, and will be notified in advance of the time, date and location of the meeting or online voting information.


Section 1. Membership Dues
Membership dues and fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors, as set by Article V, Section 6. Dues shall be paid to either the Membership Chair or the Treasurer. Memberships will run annually from January, with a prorated amount set in July.

Section 2. Sponsorship Fees
Commercial sponsors of the Society will provide $100 in merchandise or gift certificates to be given away as door prizes or in a raffle for the general membership. Commercial sponsors will also offer a minimum of 10% discount on in-store purchases to card-carrying members, unless otherwise arranged with the Board of Directors.

Section 1. Rules of Order
The rules of procedure at meetings of the Board of Directors shall be Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 2. Resolutions
No resolution or motion to commit the Society on any matter shall be considered by the Society until it has been considered by the Board of Directors. Such resolution or motion if offered at a Society meeting shall be referred to the Board of Directors for consideration.

Section 3. Voting
Each membership is entitled to one vote.


Section 1. Bylaws may be amended
These bylaws shall be amended or repealed, or new bylaws adopted, by a vote of the majority of the Members of the Society at any general or special meeting or online. Such changes shall be made by the two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast. Such proposed amendment, repeal or new by-law, or a summary thereof, shall be set forth in any notice of such meeting, whether general or special or posted online for a minimum of 14 days before the voting is scheduled to take place.

Section 2. Vote required for amending
The bylaws may be amended or changed by a 2/3 vote of the Members present at any meeting provided due notice of the change has been given to the membership at the preceding meeting.

Section 3. Advance notice of amendment
If a proposed change in the bylaws is not sent out in advance with the official notice of said meeting, it may still be considered by the attendees. However in order to pass, it must be approved by a vote equal to two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of members entitled to vote, even if not present, or by a unanimous vote of those present, whichever is lower.

Section 4. Filing amendment
Any amendment, repeal or new bylaw shall be filed with the appropriate governmental authority as required by law.


By joining the Central Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society (COMAS), or by participating in COMAS activities, or by reading COMAS publications, an individual agrees to hold COMAS and its Board members, or Officers harmless for any loss, harm or consequential damage, no matter how caused, resulting from the individual being a member of COMAS, or participating in any COMAS activity, or acting or omitting to act as a result of information or advice received from COMAS meetings, activities or publications.


Section 1. Meeting for Dissolution
COMAS can only be dissolved by a vote of the membership at a meeting called for that purpose.

Section 2. Notice of Vote
All Members must receive at least one month’s written notice of the time, location and purpose of such a meeting. Dissolution shall only occur if 80% of the Members at the meeting vote in favor of dissolution.

Section 3. Distribution of Assets
In the event that the Society is dissolved or liquidated, all of the assets and property remaining after all debts, obligations and expenses have been paid may be distributed exclusively to organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or in accordance with Oklahoma Law. The Society’s final board of directors, in accordance with any other applicable State or Federal laws shall determine this.
These are the by-laws put into place and this is still how the club operates, if there is any question or confusion about the above material please feel free to ask.