COMline skimmer


New member
I am looking for a venturi/beckett type skimmer for my new 125 US. G SPS tank which will be having a heavy bioload.

does Tunze make any skimmers with beckett's or venturi like comline (also plankton safe) for bigger tanks ?

or is it only DOC line which are needle-wheel ? (I dont like to run a needle wheel)

skimmer DOC 9020 seems to be a needlewheel correct ?

thank you in advanced, and I gotta say, thumbs up to all equipments Tunze makes :)
We don't make any beckett type skimmers. 9002, 9006, 9011, 9016, 9021 and 9206 and 9211 are venturi. The 9410, 9420, 9440, 9460 and 9480 are needle wheel. 9206 and 9211 are plankton safe and 9006, 9011, 9016 and 9021 have the option to be plankton safe by closing a shutter on the front panel.
Thank you :)

to have a Wavebox in a 125 G long tank, what should be the space between top of tank and the water level ? would 3" be enough to ensure no splashing out ? (RIMLESS TANK)

thank you again :)
3" would be plenty, you can adjust wave height but you would want at least a 3/4" wave, 2" would be my recommendation, a 1.5" wave is quite a bit.
thank you again :)

so with 3" I would be 100% safe, right ? Im also accounting for if I put my hand in the tank or move my hand around, dont want water splashing out :)
would a Nano wave box be enough to make wave in a 125 G tank ? along with 1 MP40 vortec ? Full SPS tank, perhaps I could add a couple tunze nanos here and there for more flow, but would the nano wave box make enough visible wave ?

now about skimmers again. so looking at model 9021, it sais its good for 525 US. G. so in a 125G with heavy load it should rock right ? (taking 70% off as it sais on tunze webpage)
do you know about Zeovit and how they advice against Needle wheel skimmers as they claim it precipitates K+ and ... ? would the model 9021 be able to overcome this problem and be good with zeovit ?

also, how can it become plankton safe by closing the shutter ? pulls in no plankton ?

sorry if you are not familiar with Zeovit, or if its wrong of me to ask this question here :) I just love the tunze line of products and trying to find a replacement for KZ skimmers.

thank you again :)
Yes, that would be fine for the wavebox and a Nano wavebox would work, just a shorter wave, it would probably be quite enough though, my guess is about 1".

I am not really up on Zeovit, I can't understand by what chemical reaction a needlewheel skimmer would remove potassium. Potassium should be a dissolved ion and skimmers remove larger molecular compounds with a charge that attracts them to bubbles that have the opposite charge, some water is removed by skimming and that would remove some potassium. Needlewheels are so popular because they make the smallest bubbles and are the most efficient and the pumps use very little power. Without some proof of what chemical reaction causes this removal of potassium I would be inclined to believe it is more likely that any skimmer could do this if set wet or tuned a certain way. I just can't see a logical cause for this effect, potassium and sodium are basically sister ions, they share the same column on the periodic table and this generally means they have similar properties and sodium is not removed by skimming except for what saltwater is removed by the process. If you happen to have a link to some sort of stoichiometric equation showing how they explain potassium is removed by skimming I would love to see it. I don't have a degree in chemistry but I took many classes in Psychopharmacology and was an AP Chemistry student in college and I used to tutor chem students in high school so I have a pretty good basic understanding of chemistry.

If you close the shutter door the water recirculates in the skimmer and does not enter or exit, by osmosis, waste diffuses into the cleaner water circuit inside the skimmer body. The 9021 is your best bet based on what you have said you are looking for, but if I was running a low nutrient SPS tank, bang for the buck a 9420 is the way to go.
I have a 90 gallon tank with a 7.5 by 11 inch sump which skimmer do you recomnd for an spstank and who sells it in Canada
The 9410 would fit and would be the ideal for an SPS tank, otherwise the 9011 would work as well and is quieter and more compact.

I would check the website for a list of dealers in Canada.
High sensitivity and high load. 70 per cent reduction
Hard coral aquariums (SPS) with a high population of fish require an extremely high skimming capacity. The skimmer has to ensure the degree of purity for hard corals in case of above-average fish stock; as a “stand-alone solution” an especially high performance is required. Thus, a DOC skimmer for 1,000 litres (264 USgal.) should be used for a tank with a maximum content of 300 litres (79 USgal.).
It is a little under powered for a high load.
Thanks alot for the honesty. What you saying is the doc skimmer is more noisy then the comline. So how loud are these skimmers?
The 9011 is virtually silent, it is venturi driven. The 9410 is needlewheel and needlewheel pumps always make some noise, they are inherently unbalanced due to the mixture of air and water and do vibrate as a result. The 9410 is fairly quiet, but not as quiet as a 9011.
Good work you made a sale im looking forward to being back in the tunze family. but before I decide does the 9011 release micro bubbles? is te 9410 better with its filter sock. also does the 9011 at Jl aquatics come with a magnet? how com they dont sell any of the bigger models there
I only handle the US market so I wouldn't know why J&L does not stock the bigger models.

Both will release some bubbles, certainly the sock helps the 9410 but the best would be to have a baffle between the skimmer and return pump, if they are very close together it is fairly inevitable that some bubbles will be returned to the tank.