Compatible Tankmates for 150G FOWLR w/ triggers


New member
Building a 150G FOWLR tank from scratch, main tank inhabitants are a Picasso and an Assasi Triggerfish. The following are a list of tankmates that I am thinking about and was wondering if anyone had any negative (or positive) feedback regarding them:

Large Angelfish (Not sure which, but probably not a Majestic)
Wrasse (Probably a Lunar)
Toby (Not sure which but this is one I am most worried about)
Gem Tang (If I can get one)

I know Tobies can be nippers but are they sensible enough to stay away from fish that are twice their size? I guess the biggest worry will be the Tang and I don't want a nice expensive Gem Tang with moon shape bits missing from Toby bites.

Thanks for any help,

That stock list looks OK to me and should be an interesting mix. Only thing I would mention is to do with the large angel. I wouldn't go with any of the angels that get really big, but would try to settle on a more medium sized angel.

Wont be chosing anythng that gets over 12" as a max size. The tank will be 26" deep so that should be ample turning space.

with the fish you have, plus the ones you mentioned, your tank would be overstocked as they grew. You may have aggression problems as the fishes individual territories grow and overlap. I'd skip the angel, and the rest would be ok. Add the lunare wrasse last as they are really boisterous as they get larger.
The toby's are very mellow . Mine is curious about everything but isn't a niper. A snow flake ell would be nice in that set up. I have two and they are great. My niger trigger hasn't been a problem either.
I second the moray idea -- either a snowflake or a jewel. And a grammistes sexlineatus soapfish would get along well and not get too big. I'd skip the wrasse personally. You'll have two triggers (maybe one too many) and they need swimming room. A boisterous wrasse won't help. When I put a trigger in a tank, I put him in with quieter fish so that he has room to move around and won't get annoyed at someone always in his swimming way.

I've done moray/trigger/grouper and moray/trigger/puffer in a 180g with great success.
uum i peronally have never kept any of these fish but uum wouldn't the larger more aggresive fish mureder the toby?
i know the are suposed to be bad tasteing or something but i still think a trigger or a wrasse will kill it or stress it out into death
i dont think the triggers will bother the toby. I've seen the whitespotted tobies swimmin with some big triggers in Hawaii. (granted it is the ocean) But i dont forsee a problem with it. Picassos and assassi aren't terribly mean.
I am guessing I wont have a problem as the Toby will be the first into the tank, then the Tang, then the Triggers together with the Wrasse going in last. From my personal experience I think the Wrasse is the most likely to get terratorial out of the bunch. I will be making sure the triggers aren't too big when I purchase them so hopefully they can grow up in the tank.
