Computer Battery back up.


Active member
What do you guys think about this computer battery back up? Could probably hook it up to a circulation pump and a couple heaters and have the tanks run for a while through a snow/ice storm. Plus it will be on sale for only $30 the next two days at Staples.

<A HREF="">Check it out here. </A>
It's only rated @ 335W. Throw two 150W heaters on that and that's it. You MIGHT be able to get a small powerhead, but that would be about it before this puppy started going into current-limit mode. And current-limit mode is how this unit protects from an overload on the output.

Also, you load this unit up to full-load and the power goes out, you get a 2 minutes of run time. Hope you're planning on a SHORT power outage. These runtimes are from the mfgr. spec sheets for this unit:

Backup/Run Time
• 2 Minute(s) 335W Full-load
• 9 Minute(s) 168W Half-load

This unit is made to back up a computer for a very short amount of time in order for the user to gracefully save and shutdown the computer. Not to rain on your parade, but I wouldn't use this unit for a computer, let alone plan on it carrying livestock through a storm. If you want ride-thru, you need capacity. That means lots more battery storage than something this size could hold.

Just my $0.02.

- ted