computer experts??? (not reef related)


New member
Does anyone know someone who does data recovery on a locked up hard drive? My hard drive "locked" up and it has about 5 years of pics, music, files etc on it. No back up ( I know.... I know). Both of my kids pictures are on it and about 18 gigs of music. I have heard you can send them off but it is expensive, I thought it was worth a shot to check here first?

I will be willing to work a nice trade and cash if anyone local has this knowledge....

First the tank and now the HD good news is the tank is back to normal!!!
If you like, I can give it a shot. I've had a drive "die" on me and managed to get everything off of it by slaving it to another.
A local Computer Shop (like Patton Computers up here) can R&R (remove & replace) your HD, after harvesting your Files.

Dave (dzones) is a little too far away, but he's a club member up north, near Trenton and own's a 'Puter store.

Drives are mechanical. Soon or later.... they'll fail. I have a back-up HD.

All it takes is once, and you'll be a believer too. I think you're starting to see the light....

Do you SEEEeeee the Light?????

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Thanks guys for the replies... I need some advice i guess... I have three Hd in the computer. The main 1TB drive is new. I had everything converted and saved to this one about a year ago.

I have a music fetish especially live music. One concert can take up almost a gig before it is converted from FLAC to MP3. Anyway that is another story. I have taken it to a local shop and he said it is locked up will not boot, system will not recognize it, cant be slaved, ETC.

He said send it off to reputal company and it will run you about $1200. Now I love my kids and their pictures are pretty cute. I had some really cool music and some of it is almost irreplaceable, but come on $1200. That is almost new tank territory!!

I will shoot Dave a PM and Barrett I might take you up on that if you think it will work?
Give Andy Harvey a call at 766-2993. He is also a club member. Good luck.

Does anyone know someone who does data recovery on a locked up hard drive? My hard drive "locked" up and it has about 5 years of pics, music, files etc on it. No back up ( I know.... I know). Both of my kids pictures are on it and about 18 gigs of music. I have heard you can send them off but it is expensive, I thought it was worth a shot to check here first?

I will be willing to work a nice trade and cash if anyone local has this knowledge....

First the tank and now the HD good news is the tank is back to normal!!!
Jabo... try downloading ubuntu (free) ... i don't know what's the latest version..what i got is a 9.10version... anyway..what it is : it's a linux OS, you can burn it to a cd and boot from your CD-Rom, then you can drag/copy/paste data or pictures from your hard-drive onto another USB Drive .....
Theres a place on Stage Rd (hwy 64) in Bartlett that unfroze mine when it crashed. It was called Micro Computers or something like that. They did a good job and recovered my data.
if you go with the linux os be sure to burn it as a disk image or it will not run correctly also have to go into your cmos and tell your comp to boot of cd
Barrett I might take you up on that if you think it will work?
it's worth a shot and if it doesn't work, it wont hurt your drive. because of the stress of my drive crashing, including the grief Susan was going to go through if we lost all our boys baby pictures, i've been using a small drive (1gig or so) to ONLY house Windows. my two other drives hold games, apps, and one of them strictly holds pic's, vids, and music.
With my drive already set as the boot drive all I should have to do is plug yours in in place of one of my other drives and boot up. Hopefully your drive will register and that would let me get everything off of it.
A few years ago a coworker (he thinks he's the best at everything) saved years worth of research data on the C: drive of his computer, instead of his private drive on the server. So, one day his C: died. He flipped out and started looking for someone to get the data off the dead drive. I asked my father-in-law about that and he said it was something like $2,000 for each gig of data on the drive and that it would come out as one continuous line of code. And unless you know what your looking for as indicated by some programer language, it'll never make sense to any program you try to use to open it.
"Mr. MAN" spent the remainder of the year repeating his research work... and still only saved it to his C: drive.:sad2:
I do this for a living and we provide electronic discovery for Law firms all over. Before you do anything just let me see the drive, in some cases the more you do yourself the harder you make it to recover the files. I can tell you if the files can be recovered by conventional means or if the drive needs to be sent off for recovery.

Call my office tomorrow and lets hook up and get the computer to me. If we can get the files we will. 901-201-4555
Thanks to all of you. AHARVEY I will PM you next time I am in town ( i moved 2 hours away) I will give you plenty of notice. Thanks I knew i could count on you guys for great help!!