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As many of you know, I recently lost my tank to meth fumes from my neighbor's garage, so now it's time to move on to something a little grander. I'm slowly gathering things together to build a new 54 x 30 x 22 reef, but I can't decide between two very different styles. Why do I care? Well, the tank would be built a little differently depending upon the style I choose. So, here they are, let me know which you think I should make real. (and don't just say "I like that one because it has (insert fancy coral name here) in it"
#1 - minimalistic, corals make up most of the structure, pure sps so lots of wiggle room with semi-reef-safe fish
#2- dramatic, cantilevered rockwork that attaches at the far right and hangs out into the middle without touching the ground, some lps & crocea clams

#1 - minimalistic, corals make up most of the structure, pure sps so lots of wiggle room with semi-reef-safe fish

#2- dramatic, cantilevered rockwork that attaches at the far right and hangs out into the middle without touching the ground, some lps & crocea clams