Concerns regarding Alk/Ca balance in SPS dominant tank


New member
Hello fellow reefers,

I'm currently reaching 3 months after a move to a larger reef tank. My water has finally stopped shifting around and is maintaining a balanced state. I keep a daily log of test results and usually test Alk and PO everyday, Ca,Mg and others once a week.

Inhabitants are two large acro colonies, about 10 small acro's, monte frags and a decent size red monte plate colony. On the other side of the tank is a large leather, two frogspawn, a gold toch close to the overflow and a few shrooms on the bottom.

My concerns.. Ive finally achieved a steady Alk of 8.0 but Im afraid my calcium is too low. Here is a snippet from my todays testing log:

July 29th:
Temp: 80.0
SG 1.025
Alk 8.0
PO .05
Mg 1320
CA 355
NO2 0
NO3 < 10 ppm

Generally all coral looks very happy. My question is should I try to up the Ca or deal with it now that I've maintained a balance? Im using ESV B-Ionic two part. Any other advice and suggestions are appreciated as I'm fairly new to SPS keeping.

Thanks in advance!
Just dose raise your calcium level up to 400-450. 355 is low but likely not dangerously low. I would advise finding a small dose of plain calcium
Chloride though rather than using the ESV. Doesn't that contain trace elements as well. You don't want to raise your calcium by 100 ppm as well as every trace element it contains. I'd elevate your calcium to 450 but maintain other parameters as they are and continue using ESV for your daily dosing. Just raise calcium alone with a small portion of BRS calcium chloride solution in conjunction

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Get that Calcium up. 400-420. Any Calcium sup will do just use a calculator and half the dose and test. Wait 24hrs and dose and test again.

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