Condy Anemone - is it sick? what do i feed it?


New member
i bought a condy anemone a week ago and it keeps shriveling up then inflating back up again. it's in a 5-gal tank w/ a false clown, a red shrimp, a snail, and two hermit crabs (red and blue-legged). i just changed the water. i dont know what to feed the anemone and i havent feed it in a week. i dont think thats healthy. i have a strong light, i think. its a 15 or 25 watt (i forgot which) but its in a five gal. if u have any advice or info, please reply. thanks.

P.S. i want me clown to host the anemone. is there neway that'll happen?
First, a 5 gallon is not near big enough for it and you can't keep the water stable in that size tank.
Second, you shouldnt have any fish in that size tank let along an anemone.
How old is your setup?
If under 6 months, take the anemone back to the shop where you got it, your tank has to be at least that old to support any kind of anemone.
Yes they need to eat, fish is the best thing, frozen silversides.
But you will foul the water fast in that size tank by feeding it and it pooping into the tank.
My best advice is to either set up a 20 gallon tank with the water in this tank and move it all into that.
But certainly taking it back to where you bought it is the best thing.
Your lighting is not good either ,6 watts per gallon is the normal for anything saltwater.
Please post a picture of your tank for us so that we can see what you are trying to do ok.